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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Imran (3)- Lesson (3)- Verses (5-7)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear believers with the third lesson from the Al-Omran sura and the verse No. five.

Nothing is hidden from Allah.

1- Feeling of God's surveillance makes you fearful of disobedience:

If a man believes that Allah knows everything about him, his secrets, his thoughts, everything he say and do whether it was in the open or in secret and nothing is hidden from Allah, that man will never knowingly disobey Allah.

And whether you show what is in your minds or keep it hidden, Allah will call you to account for it ﴿

(Al-Baquara sura)

When you know that Allah knows, you add to your knowledge that Allah knows and that you will be asked by Him.

. So by the Lord, We will, surely, question them all (92). Concerning that which they used to do(93) ﴿

(Al-Hijer sura)

When you add to your knowledge that Allah will punish in the Day of Judgment or in the present life and you will be held accountable to what you did you will not dare to disobey Him. For example: when you drive your car and see that the traffic light is red and there is someone who monitors the violators, also you cannot bear the severe punishment, then you would follow the traffic rules as you know that the one who put this law can reach you, so you should submit to his order, as the word:

Nothing hidden from Allah ﴿

Surely, nothing in the earth or in the heaven is hidden from Allah ﴿

The faithful is the one who knows that Allah with him all the time. The highest degree of faith is to worship Allah as if you see Him because even if you don't see him He sees you. Feel that Allah aware of you and your heart and He knows all your secrets and thoughts. These believes will make you follow His orders.

Surely, nothing in the earth or in the heaven is hidden from Allah ﴿

When you cheat, deceive, transgress and take money that does not belong to you as if Allah doesn't know, you are ignorant. Do you believe that in the Quran the verse that concern pilgrimage which is one of the highest religious duty He said:

That is so that you may know that Allah knows ﴿

(Al-Maeedah sura: the verse no.97)

When you know that Allah knows you should submit to his orders. But when you don't obey and submit be assured it is because of a weakness in your faith and that Allah knows.

2- How is it with Allah whom nothing hides from Him:

When you deal with another human being like you and you know that his knowledge and power can reach you, you most likely are going to follow his orders. Allah said

Allah is He who created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof. The Divine command comes down in their midst, that you may know ﴿

(Al-Talaq Sura: the verse no.12)

The faith is knowledge.

And they will say, `Had we but listened or had sense, we should not have been among the inmates of the blazing Fire ﴿

(Al-Mulk sura)

That you should know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. ﴿

(Al-Talaq sura: the verse no.12)

Abu Hurira (God blessed him) narrated that our prophet (PBUH) said:

((Allah has ninety nine names and the one who count (know and understand) them will enter the paradise))

Agreed on﴿

Here there are only two names:

That you may know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. ﴿

(Al-Talaq sura: the verse no.12)

For example: you ride your car and the traffic light is red. The policeman and the officer are standing along with a police car and a motorcycle. You are an ordinary citizen and couldn't pass the traffic light except in two cases: first if the knowledge of the manmade law couldn't reach you at three o'clock in the morning, second if you are stronger than the law, then you could pass. But if you are certain that the law can reach you then you couldn't disobey. This is the case with another human just like you, how is it the case with the universe's Creator Whom we need always in everything?

Everything is in His hand such as your retina, the eye's pressure, the heart's valve and arteries, the kidney's function, the cell and their development, the liquidity of blood, all of your systems, organs, tissues, hearing and sight. Everything that is around you: your wife, children, blessing, your peace of mind, your depression and everything that you need is in His hand, so how do you disobey Allah?

You disobey Allah and you claim his love
Oh by God it is unsightly criterion
If your love was true, you'll obey Him
As the lover is obedient to whom he loves

3- Nothing hides from Allah, so beware not to disobey Him:

You are in your room and the windows is opened, the neighbor in the opposite house come out the balcony wearing light clothes, you sees her while nobody sees you, if you turn your eyes away from what Allah forbids, then you know that Allah knows.
Another example: A doctor treats a woman and sees the place of sickness, then if he looks to another place, there is nobody in the earth who could confirm your violation as the woman is lying down to be treated, she complained from a certain place and he looked at another place, who is aware of him? Al-Mighty Allah

He knows the (the tricks) that deceive the eyes and what the hearts conceal. ﴿

(Ghafir sura)

He knows what you said and what you didn't, and what is manifest and what is hidden, also what you deluded to the people and what you didn't, all in His knowledge.

They hatched their plots but their plots were well within the sight of Allah, even though their plots were such which could move mountains ﴿

(Ibraheem sura)

That is so that you should know that Allah knows ﴿

(Al-Maeedah sura: the verse no.97)

He created the whole universe in order for us to know that Allah has power over all things. And that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. He selected among His names these two names which are the All-Knowing and the Powerful. This is a precise speech, when you believe that His knowledge surrounds you and His power reaches you, then you couldn't disobey His order.

Look for the faith which will save you:

Someone asked me: what is the case with those disobedient? Are they believers? I said to him: Imagine a very big circle in which everyone who said that Allah created the heavens and earth is inside this circle. He may be an adulterer, an alcohol drinker, taker of ill-gotten money or an aggressor. Every man admitted that this universe has a deity is within this circle, but this faith never saves its owner.

And if you ask them, Who created them?' They will surely, say, `Allah.' How, then, are they being turned away? ﴿

(Al-Zukhruf sura)

Inside this big circle there is a smaller one. Inside the smaller circle is those who straighten up to the order of Allah, all of them are rescued, as their faith leads them to Allah's obedience. In the big circle is everyone who admits the existence of Allah then he is a believer, but his faith will never save him in the present life or in the hereafter and this is the case with the majority of Muslims these days. They don't pray their income may be ill-gotten money; they never refrain from the forbidden acts doing whatever they wanted. Outside the big circle is everyone denied the existence of Allah, they are called atheists. Shadad Ben Ause narrated that our prophet (PBUH) said:

((The wise one is the one who reviews his actions and works for what is after death. And the loser is the one who follows whatever he desire and wishes for goodness from Allah))

(Al-Termizi- Ben Majeh -&Ahmad)

Whereas those in the second (smaller) circle are the committed who observe the limits prescribe by Allah and apply His methods. They will benefit from their faith as it leads them to be on the right path. Where is Satan's position? It is within the big circle, Allah said in the Quran about Satan:

So be your glory ﴿

(Saad sura: the verse no.82)

Satan believed in Allah as a deity and a cherisher, he said:

You (Allah) created me ﴿

(Saad sura: the verse no.76)

He believed in Him as a creator, he said:

Then give me time (until the Day of Judgment) ﴿

(Saad sura: the verse no.79)

Satan believed in the Day of Judgment. But his belief did not save him from hell. Those who are in the second circle benefit from their faith which led them to obey Allah. The center of this circle is the infallible prophets, and there are some who are outside the big circle they are the atheists. Inside the big circle are the believers who’s believes will not save them from hell (like Satan’s believes). Also within the smallest circle is the righteous believer, whereas in the center is the infallible prophets.

Surely, nothing in the earth or in the heaven is hidden from Allah. ﴿

Many people talk and say things that they don't believe in because of an interest in something, wickedness or a trick. Al-mighty Allah knows what you hide and manifest. Some of the heart's scholars said that: "the heart is what Allah looks at". So don't make “Allah’s looking at your heart” the least of your worries. Al-Mighty Allah looks into your heart. It is mentioned in some of sacred Hadith: “Oh my slave you take care of the creatures for years”. For example: a man renews his house, furniture, wears beautiful clothes and washes his car. Continue the sacred Hadith saying: “(Allah said) Do you think (mankind) you need to beatify what I (Allah) look at (you heart). Do you feel ashamed when you conspire on your brother? Like telling a speech which he believes to be true but you know you just telling a lie.
Sometime the heart is filled with cheating, cunning, deceiving and arrogance. Anyone who has an atom of arrogance will end up in hell fire.
I always say this example, you have one kilogram of yogurt and you have twenty five guests. You can add five kilos of water to it and introduce it as a drink. But if you add a drop of oil (car oil), are you able to drink it? Only one drop of oil can spoil all the milk, whereas five kilogram of water will not spoil the milk, therefore arrogance (like the oil) is very dangerous.

Basically there are two types of sins one is the sin of weakness (you commit a sin because you are weak inside, your desires overcome you). The other type of sin is due to arrogance. It is easy to repent from the sin of weakness, but it is more difficult to repent from the sin of arrogance which is the sin of Satan.

he (Satan) answered, `I am not going to submit to a human whom You (Allah) has created of dry ringing clay, of black mud. ﴿

Sometimes mankind gets weak facing or controlling his desires, but when he asks for forgiveness, he finds the Merciful Forgiver Allah.

Surely, nothing in the earth or in the heaven is hidden from Allah. 6. He it is who creates you in the wombs as He wills ﴿

He it is who creates you in the wombs as He wills

1- What happens in the marital meeting:

During the sexual intercourse there are five million sperms delivered to the female sexual organs. The female egg needs only one sperm. There is a very precise mechanism for fertilization: the sperm has in its head a noble substance which is covered with a thin layer that is torn when it collides with the egg’s wall. This noble substance is able to melt the wall of the egg allowing the sperm to penetrate the egg. The egg will not allow any other sperm to penetrate its wall. The fertilized egg starts the division process (into tens of thousands of cells) during the journey from the ovary to the womb (uterus). Then it is planted in the womb and began to develop.

The sperm and the egg have genes, some ones said: they are five millions and I heard that they are one millions, any way at least more than a million. This is the world's preoccupation today: the genetic engineering. These genes carry the specific individual characteristics for each one of us such as: how tall, the color, the red cheek, the blue eyes, the black or blond hair, very long body, and a nevus on the cheek, all the creatures' details are coded in these genes. If we suppose that there are one million genes, until now (at the time when this lecture was given) they only discovered eight hundred genes.

A respectable brother told me that: I have two girls that came from one egg; every one of them has a different nature, as the first one has a nervous temper, and the second is very calm.

He who fashions you in the wombs as He wills ﴿

2 Embryology is one of the biggest evidences on Allah's Greatness:

By God oh my respectable brother, the science of Embryology alone is the greatest evidence of Allah's greatness. The development of creatures, from a shapeless lump to a clot, then to bones, after that they are clothed with flesh.
A professor in Embryology from Oxford University wrote a book that is considered the bible of Embryology. That book was translated and it is being taught in many universities.
One day he entered the lecture hall and told his students:” I discovered a very clear fact which is considered a revolution in the science of Embryology. He discovered that bones form first then it is covered with flesh. Twenty years ago he thought that flesh formed before bones. A Muslim student was present during this lecture stood and said: This is a fact in the Muslims book (Quran). The Professor was shocked and did not believe. The next day the student brought to him the holy Quran and showed him the verse:

Then We covered the bones with flesh; Then We developed it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create. ﴿

(Al-Muominun sura)

The fascinating journey of the developing human embryo is amazing. It starts with a drop of water and it goes through complicated stages until after nine months it becomes a fully developed human being that eats, drinks, plays, talks, hears, sees etc. All of this is Allah’s creation.

He it is Who fashions you in the wombs as He wills ﴿

There is tall or short man, light or a dark skin, nervous or calm temper. There is a keen clever man and another less clever.

He Who fashions you in the wombs as He wills ﴿

The Mighty, the Wise.

The All-Mighty:

The All-Mighty: is the one who couldn't be affected by any one as I told you in the last lesson: If the word Mighty is a description of a creature it means that the creature is rare. When All-Mighty is used as one of Allah’s names it means: He is the one who has no partners. The All-Mighty (Allah) is the one that everyone and everything needs him. If the word mighty was an attribute to someone that is other than Allah then it would be difficult to reach him or her. When All-Mighty is attributed to Allah, it is impossible to know his identity (we do know him through his creations but we cannot know his true identity).

2-The All-Wise

The All-Wise (Allah): created everything and everyone in the best form. If everything happened was in contrary to what it is, then it would be a weakness in Allah's wisdom, and He would be blamed.
Then Al-Mighty Allah said:

He it is who has sent down to you the Book; in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established clear meaning) they are the foundation of the Book ﴿

1-The fundamental (basic) verses

Some of the scholars said: the fundamental verses are the clear ones. They are the verses that have the decisive meaning and do not contain two meanings. Because of Allah's mercy on us all verses that relate to our happiness and being on the correct path of Allah are fundamental verses.
Also any matter that would guide us away from happiness and the way of Allah are clearly illustrated in the fundamental verses. Examples:

As forthe thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands ﴿

(Al-Maeda Sura: from verse 38)

Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times. ﴿

(An - Nisa Sura)

O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous (183) ﴿

(Al-Baqarah Sura)

Any fundamental issue regarding our safety and happiness in this life and the hereafter is explained by fundamental verse. The fundamental verses are clear, decisive and do not carry more than one meaning. For example: when you hear “someone was given one thousand five hundreds Dirham (old money), it is clear how much was given no further clarification needed. However when you hear “someone was given one thousand and half Dirham” here you wonder was it half of a thousand Dirham or half of a Dirham, you will need further clarification.

2- Some (variable) verses can have more the one interpretation:

The verses that could contain more than one clear meaning, also include Hadith (prophet saying that is not the Quran), deal with the variables in our life, these variables are explained in the nonspecific verses.
In our lifetime there are issues, behaviours and concepts that should not change under any circumstance (the fundamentals). These issues and concepts are explained in the fundamental verses and they guide our happiness in life and the hereafter and not adhering to them will destroy us in life and the hereafter. When a person eats and does not feed his mother, it is a clear violation of a basic rule. This rule does not need to be taught to us. Allah created it as a basic instinct and has a fundamental verse that explains it. There are variable verses: Almighty Allah said:

And establish prayer and give zakah ﴿

(Al-Noor Sura: from verse 56)

Do we give Zakah (obligatory charity) as money, flour, dates or wheat? It's possible to give it as money if you live in the city and you could give it as wheat if you live on a farm.

But for me as a human being when I'm formulating a text that can have more than one interpretation I intend one meaning. When The Creator of the universe mentions a verse which could have several interpretations He wants us to utilize all the meanings depending on the circumstance and the environment we are in. This is one form of His mercy on us: verses that can have more than one interpretation cover all variables in life. But When He wants one meaning He uses fundamental verses which only have one interpretation.

He it is who has sent down to you the Book; in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established clear meaning) they are the foundation of the Book ﴿

The verses of creation, perfection, oneness, forbidden and religious duties are the basic (fundamental) verses for our happiness. Not following these fundamentals will lead us to misery in life and the hereafter.

3- Another meaning for the fundamental verses:

The decisive (fundamental) verses are the foundation (essentials, basics) of the Book. And the verses that are susceptible to different interpretations considered branches of the Book. There are basics and branches, and every branch verse should be related to a decisive verse. I hope from Almighty Allah to make me able to explain this truth an example:
When I say “this wheat is dangerous” this would be a statement that can have several interpretations: is it dangerous like a bomb (or it will make you sick) or is it dangerous because it is so essential for human life. But when I say “wheat is an essential product” this statement is decisive and basic it can only mean one thing: wheat is needed for human life.

The verses (nonspecific) that can have several interpretations are always related to the fundamental (basic) verses for clarifications: Allah said (translated):

Those who give partners (to Allah) will say:” if Allah had wished, we should not have given partners to Him, nor would our fathers; Nor should we have had any (of such) conducts.” So did their ancestors argue falsely, until they tasted Our might. Say: “Have you any (certain) knowledge (or proof)? If so produce it before us. Surely, you follow nothing but (unsupported) thought: you do nothing but lie ﴿

(Sura Al-Anaam 148)

This verse is fundamental, basic and clear that mankind was given by Allah the freedom of choice. Mankind can choose whatever he or she wants to believe. Another verse:

But He leaves wandering those whom He pleases, and He guides those whom He pleases ﴿

(Sura Al- Nahl 93)

When you read the above verse you might understand that Allah will force people to be believers or nonbelievers as He wishes. However this verse is not considered a fundamental verse and its interpretation is related to the fundamental verse above it. This verse interpretation is based on the fundamental one: it means that when a person chooses not to be a believer Allah will allow him to be nonbeliever based on that person’s choice. And this interpretation also based on the next verse: Allah said (translated):

So when they turned away (from the right path by their choice), Allah let their hearts go wrong ﴿

(Sura Al-Saff 5)

And if We (Allah) so wanted, surely,, We could have brought every soul its true guidance, but the word from Me has come true that I will fill Hell with jinn and mankind all together ﴿

(Al-Sajdeh sura)

Let's go back to the previous example: I ask a man to give the poor one thousand dirham and half. How does he interpret the text? One thousand and half dirham, because the half (in Arabic) refers to the dirham, two things might happen: 1) if the man was generous he will give the poor one thousand and five hundreds, but if he was stingy he will give the poor one thousand and half dirham.

you who believe! usury,doubled and multiplieddo not take ﴿

(Al-Omran sura: From the verse no.13)

But those in whose hearts is evil follow the part within it that is abstract seeking disharmony (discord):

(Some say after reading the above usury verse “we can take low interest but not high interest” however Allah forbids usury regardless of low or high interest. This is an example for the ones who follow the abstract of the verse)

Allah said (translated):

Those (are the believers) who, if we establish them firmly (in power) in the land, they establish regular prayer ﴿

Another example of people who follow the abstract would interpret the above verse this way: since Allah did not establish us in the land then we do not need to establish regular prayers. Sometime it is even funny the way
some people interpret some of the nonspecific verses.

But those in whose hearts is evil follow the part within it that is abstract seeking disharmony (discord) ﴿

Some people are attracted to earthly pleasures to the degree they change the interpretations of the nonspecific verses to soothe their earthly pleasures. Some recently written books under the title “modern interpretation of the Quran” have some of these interpretations.

But those in whose hearts is evil follow the part within it that is abstract seeking disharmony (discord) ﴿

Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him does not want us to eat garlic or onion before we come to the Mosque.

(( He said'' The one who ate from this tree (garlic or onion) don’t come to our mosque ))

(Narrated by Ahmed)

In some countries this was interpreted: if you eat garlic or onion you do not have to come to Friday prayer. So some will actually eat some garlic or onion just before Friday prayer so that they do not have to come to prayer and they claim they have excuse from the prophet. The deviated person will attempt to change the interpretation of verses to cover up his or her deviated behavior with a religious excuse. Allah said (translated):

But those in whose hearts is evil follow the part within it that is abstract seeking disharmony (discord) through giving it their own interpretation ﴿

The meaning of interpretation:

What is the meaning of interpretation? The scholars distinguish between explanation and interpretation. For example, when a man has an idea, he expresses it. Interpretation is when you take the expression of that idea and try to relate it to its intellectual origin.

Almighty Allah said:

And if We so wanted, Surely, We could have brought every soul its true guidance ﴿

(Sura Al-Sajda)

Allah created mankind with the freedom of choice. He made mankind responsible for their actions and created them for heaven. Allah can make everyone a believer but then there would be no true happiness. Almighty Allah said:

And if We so wanted, Surely, We could have brought every soul its true guidance ﴿

(Sura Al-Sajda)

This verse means: if Allah wanted he could make everyone believer.
In large stores the owners install an electronic warring device in case someone tries to leave the store without paying for the merchandise. Here honesty is enforced on people by electronic monitoring and you cannot really distinguish who is truly honest. And this “enforced honesty” is basically worthless because it does not reflect the true character of the people.
So the fundamental verses in the Quran explain the basic foundation of our faith and life whereas the nonspecific (abstract) verses explain the variable issues in our life that can change according to time and place.

But those in whose hearts is evil pursue the abstract:

But the hypocrites and those in whose hearts are evil:

But those in whose hearts is evil follow the part within it that is abstract seeking disharmony (discord) through giving it their own interpretation ﴿

Allah said (translated):

But He leaves wandering those whom He pleases, and He guides those whom He pleases ﴿

(Al-Nahel sura: form verse no.93)

Someone tells you:
Almighty Allah did not predestine me to the right path. The answer is: Allah did guide you to the right path, but it is your turn to respond. The words: (pleases) has another meaning in other verses:

Allah does not guide those who reject faith 264 ﴿

Allah does not guide the wrongdoers ﴿

(Al-Baquara Sura)

So Almighty Allah doesn’t guide the liars, therefore He summarizes in one verse, and explains in another

But no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah ﴿

But no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah:
All Quran verses are fundamentals except few are abstracts such as the verse that talk about Allah Himself. Examples:

And your Mighty Lord arrives ﴿

(Al –Fajer Sura: form verse no.22)

Where was He?

and then He rose over on the Throne ﴿

(Al-Araaf Sura: form verse no.54)

The hand of Allah is over their hands ﴿

(Al-Fateh Sura: form verse no.10)

You know what is in my heart even though I do not know what is in Yours ﴿

(Al-Maeedah Sura: form verse no.116)

Everything shall die except His Own Face ﴿

(Al-Qasess Sura: form verse no.88)

Face, Self, Hand, Hearing, Sight and He came: these descriptions are related to Allah in the Quran. The scholars named these few verses abstract ones which are related to Allah’s own self (true identity). The best thing is to leave the interpretations of these verses to Allah. Some scholars interpret the verses in a manner that fits His Might.
For example:

And your Mighty Lord arrives ﴿

(Al –Fajer Sura: form verse no.22)

Could mean: His order came:

The hand of Allah is over their hands ﴿

(Al-Fateh Sura: form verse no.10)

Could mean: His ability and power.

Allah hears and knows everything ﴿

(Al-Baquara Sura)

Could mean: His knowledge

These abstract verses that deal with Allah’s self can either be left alone and we will be safe or interpret them in such a way suitable for Allah and hopefully we were rightly guided with the interpretation. However denying these verses or interpret them in such a way that these characteristics are similar to his creatures is totally unacceptable.

But no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah: And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge … ﴿

So when the abstract verses talk about Allah’s self we leave its interpretation to Allah:

But no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah ﴿

1.It Ok to stop after the word (Allah) or (knowledge)

In the following verse:

But no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah: And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge … ﴿

We stop (when we read the Quran) at the word Allah if the above verse is used in regard to Allah’s self. And we stop at the word firmly grounded in knowledge if the verse is used in regard to teachings or talking about prophets.

Say” We believe in the Book: The whole of it is from our Lord” And none will grasp the Message except men of understanding ﴿

Believers: the Holy Quran guides us to be righteous people. One meaning of the following verse illustrates this fact:

Which none shall touch except those who are purified. ﴿

(Al-Waqueaa Sura)

2- The stray people depend on the abstract verses:

If you have a clean heart, you are a monotheist and righteous, Allah will help you understand His words, whereas the stray people will fall in the discord of the abstract verses.
By the way every stray group of people depended on one of the meanings of the abstract verses which Almighty Allah didn’t intend that particular meaning. The abstract verses have some sort of test to mankind. However the true believers say:

Say” We believe in the Book: The whole of it is from our Lord” And none will grasp the Message except men of understanding (7) (they say) Our Lord! Do not let our hearts stray away now after You have guided us, but grant us mercy from Your Own Presence; Truly, You are the Giver of endless bounties ﴿

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