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Miscellaneous topics- Lectures and Televised symposiums- Al-Taqwa Masjid- Jordan- Lesson (003): Deeds are considered by Intentions
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  


The legitimacy of man's deeds:

 The Prophet, peace be upon him said:


((When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).))

[Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi andAn-Nisa'i].

 First of all, every man performs deeds which can be good, bad, materialistic or moral, but the accurate question everyone should ask is: What is the job that Allah expects you to do? Is it legal or not? Does it please Allah or not? Is this job according to Allah's Way or is it far from It? Does it have any impact in the long term or not? In other words, if someone enjoys his life in the sense that he makes his house the most beautiful one, and he cares a lot for its decorations, but unexpectedly the angel of death comes to take his soul, does the great effort he spends in enjoying himself has a future effect? No, it does not.

A short story:

 As you know there are houses in Damascus which are worth 10 million Liras or 20 million Liras, but the house of my friend is worth 180 million Liras, and it is considered one of the most unique houses. The owner of the house died on a rainy day in winter, and he was my friend's father (the owner of the unique house). After his funeral ceremony, and when he arrived the cemetery, and they opened the tomb, they found dirty swage water flowing into the tomb. They asked his son what they had to do, and he Said, "Burr him, what else can we do?"


 Keep in mind the hour when you leave this life to move to the Hereafter, so you should ask yourself whether your earning is Halal (legal) or not, whether the goods you sell or buy are 100% legal or they contain goods which displease Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, and whether your relations, trips, meetings evening meetings and activities are in accords with Allah's Way or not. These questions are critical and they indicate crucial facts.

(( When a man dies …))

 The deed that one used to do will stop, so what about the one who performs no deed? I repeat, whoever does a good deed in the worldly life to meet Allah with will have his deed over, but what about the one who does not have any deed at all?

Noble As7adeth:

 It was reported that:

((For the ones, whose concern is this world, Allah will scatter his affairs, place poverty between his two eyes and he will not get from the world except what is written for him. As for the one, whose intention is the Hereafter, Allah will gather for him his affairs, place contentment in his heart and the world will come to him willingly.))

 It was reported in a Hadith Qudsi:

((Whoever seeks My Help, I find him a way out of the plotting of the creations of the heavens and the earth, and whoever seeks sh3er' help dispensing with Me, I make him sink in the ground beneath his feet, and I turn away from him.))


A moment of contemplation:

 Dear brother, you should spend a moment of privacy on our own to contemplate your current situation and find answer to these questions: Do you act upon Allah's Method? Do you apply the following Ayah? Allah says in this Ayah:

(...reauthor it (i.e. obey its orders and follow its teachings) as it should be reauthord (i.e. followed)...)

[Surah Al-Baqarah, 121]

 What is the meaning of "reauthor it as it should be reauthord"? It means that we should read the Quran correctly according to the grammar of the Arabic language. Our Master Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Learn Arabic, as learning it is part of the Islamic knowledge.." Reciting the Noble Quran as it should be reauthord means to read its Ayat according to Tajweed (refers to the rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the Qur'an. The term is derived from the triliteral root j-w-d meaning "to make well, make better, improve" rules, to understand their meanings and finally to ponder over its Signs. Do you read the Ayat in such a way? Do you apply them?

 More than 250 Ayat in the Quran start with "O you who believe", but when you read any Ayah that starts with this phrase, do you feel that you are concerned? Do you feel that you are addressed as a believer? Apart from life's problem, pressures, distractions, and obstacles, you should contemplate for a moment and ask yourself, which way should I keep heading to? What will come after death? What is waiting for me there?

When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things:

 This Hadith is precise:

((When a man dies, his deeds come to an end…))

 If man performs a righteous deed, he will be elevated by it, but the heart-breaking situation is the one of the man who has performed no deed at all, What about the situation of the one who performs bad deeds, Allah forbid? There are three kinds of people; the first kind includes those who perform good deeds, the second kind of people includes those who perform bad deeds and the third kind includes those who perform no deed at all. Forget about the kind of people who perform a bad a deed and the kind of people who perform no deed at all, and let us discuss the kind of people who perform good deeds, and whose deeds come to an end upon their death as it is referred to in the following Hadith:

((When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity).))

 The deed which lasts after man's death is such as building a Masjid, constructing an institute for Islamic knowledge. In other words, the everlasting deeds are those which are dedicated to Waqf (endowment), such as dedicating a land to be invested for the orphans or the Islamic knowledge seekers. This business is Sadaqah Jariyah that lasts even after man's death.

The good deed and the bad one

  In the suburb of Damascus, there is a street which leads to a very famous resort. In the middle of the street there is a nightclub to the right side of it, and there is a Masjid to the left side, and I heard about the story of this nightclub and the Masjid. The owner of the nightclub allowed all the sins invented by the corrupted westerns to be committed. Thus, this building was meant to welcome the sinners, and after a period of time the owner died, but the club kept receiving sinners, so all these sins and wrongdoings will be added to the book of the owner. On the other hand, the owner of the Masjid which was build on the other side of the street, died but each prayer offered in this Masjid will be written in his book.

 Good deeds are of two kinds; the first kind includes the deeds which are over upon man's death, and the second kind includes the deeds which are considered Sadaqah Jariyah, such as building an institute for Islamic knowledge, writing a book of Tafseer, writing a book about Islamic knowledge, or building a Masjid. Thus, this kind of deeds lasts after man's death.

 Pay attention to this comparison, those who reauthord the Noble Quran and died,, their recitation is still heard whenever and wherever, and it is broadcasted on the radio. Although, they are dead and buried, their recitation is continues (as Sadaqah Jariyah). On the other hand, singers who sang many immoral songs, and they died, will have the bad effects of listening to their songs wherever and whenever added to their books.

((When a man dies, his deeds come to an end…))

 Man's good deed comes to an end upon his death if it is not a Sadaqah Jariyah, but if he performs no deed, there is nothing after his death. As for the one who performs a bad deed, Allah forbid, he will be in a big trouble.

((Except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).))

 Once I was preparing a lesson, and I took from the library Al-Qurtubi's Interpretation of the Noble Quran which is a good book I use to read.
  The writer of this book died 500 years ago, but scholars keep reading it as a reference and they benefit from it. This book is a Saqaqah Jariyah. Hence, you should perform a deed that lasts after your death and herein lays the great achievement, intelligence and success. Such a good deed goes on after man's death.

((Except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity).))

 The good deed which is considered a Sadaqah Jariyah can be manifested in building an institute for Islamic knowledge, a home for aged, a high school for Islamic studies, and so on. In fact, "The number of deeds which draws man closer to Allah is as much as the number of creations." Thus, think about performing a good deed which lasts after your death, because it is will be a Sadaqah Jariyah.

((…and a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).))

 A righteous son is a continuation of his father.

 Dear brother, undoubtedly, every human being seeks safety, and happiness and the continuation of his existence. Accordingly, 7 billion human beings on earth seek safety, happiness and the continuation if their existence. Safety can be gained by acting upon Allah's Order, and happiness is gained by performing a good deed for Allah's Sake.

(And the righteous deeds exalt it (the goodly words i.e. the goodly words are not accepted by Allah unless and until they are followed by good deeds)

[Surah Fatir, 10]

 As for the continuation of your existence, it is gained by raising up children according to Islamic teachings. One of the Imams of Umayyad Masjid was a very righteous man, and when he died I attended the funeral and I offered my condolences for three days. On the third day, his son who was a Khateeb (is a person who delivers the sermon (khutbah) (literally "narration"), during the Friday prayer) delivered a speech in a way that was similar to his father's. I cried upon listening to him, and I said to myself that the deceased Imam would never die (metaphorically) as long as he has a son who has been taught the Islamic knowledge and delivering Khutbah. The son continues his father's mission. You should think about a deed that lasts after your death, because it will be a Sadaqah Jariyah.

((…a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).))

  This explains why Allah's Words in the following Ayah:

(Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqun" (pious)")

[Surah Al-Furqan, 74]

 Only whoever has a righteous child would understand this Ayah. It is a great blessing to have a child who will make Du'a for the father after his death. There is something called an institutional work, which is done by having someone's job continuous after his death. If you have a business, your son should continue it after your death. Actually, there are many crafts in which man can excel, so when someone teaches his children the craft, this craft will last, but if he does not teach them anything his craft will be over after his death. Thus, success lies in the continuity of man's deed. If the craft is continuous, it is called an institutional job, while the non-continuous job is called a personal job. Whoever has a personal job will have his Da'wah, job, influence and the effects of his job finished after his death. There are people who left behind descendant to carry on their work. The purpose of this lesson to urge you to think about performing a deed that will last after your death.

 All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds

  All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists), prayers and peace be upon our Master Muhammad, his family and his good Companions, the trustees of his mission and the leaders of his brigades of his mission, and may You be pleased with them and us, O Lord of the 'Alamin.

 O Allah our Lord, lead us out from the depths of darkness and illusion, unto the lights of erudition and knowledge, and from the muddy shallows of lusts unto the heavens of Your Vicinity.

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