Dark Mode
Friday sermon (1019): Ramadan The Month of Spending
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

First Sermon :

 Praise be to Allah, We thank and seek the help of him
Ask him to lead and seek refuge with Him from the viciousness of ourselves and our bad deeds. Who is lead by Allah will never go astray and who goes astray will not find a leader.
 There is no God But Allah alone with no other partner. Admitting His Godhood and forcing the polytheisms.
 Our master Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him is His messenger. The Master of mankind. as much an eye sees and an ear hears
 Peace and Blessing Be Upon him and his companion and his offspring and followers till the Day of Judgment.
Oh Allah teach us what is availing to us and let us benefit from what you have taught us, and endow us with more knowledge. Show us the truth and help us follow it, and show us the untruth and help us avoid it. Inspire us to be among those who if ever listen to a saying, follow the best of it. Admit us by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves. Oh Allah, take us away from the darkness of ignorance and illusion to the lights of knowledge and insight. And from the mires of hankers to the heavens of deeds.

The Main Feature of Ramadan: Spending:

 Dear Noble Brother, we are in the month of Ramadan, Ramadan the month of spending, the main feature of Muslim is that he spends, release in Quran as it is.

 God The Almighty Said:

“Alif Lam Mim. This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who guard (against evil).Those who believe in the unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them”


 Believe in the life after is from the Unseen, God The Almighty Said:

“Those who believe in the unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them”



 The Absolute Spending:
 The absolute in Quran is just like it is as it was released. Spend his money, his time, his effort, spend from anything was granted by His Majesty Allah.

“And spend in the Cause of Allah, and do not throw yourselves into destruction”

1. Not Spending Is A Throw To Oneself Into Destruction:

 Dear Noble Brother, God His Majesty Says:

“And spend in the Cause of Allah, and do not throw yourselves into destruction”


 Few interpreters said: If you didn’t spend. Spend for the sake of Allah. Spending must be pure for God. Don’t throw yourselves into destruction if you don’t spend.

2. Spending The Whole Money is Throwing Oneself Into Destruction:

 And Few Scholars’ Said: Don’t throw yourselves into destruction if you spend whole your money, because God His Majesty Says:

“And those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but hold a medium between those”.

[ The Criterion 67 ]

3. Spending Has Specific Time

 Dear Brother, Spending has specific time, one penny that you spend in your lifetime is much more better that one hundred thousand penny spent after you die.
God Said:

“O you who believe! spend out of what We have given you before the day comes in which there is no bargaining, neither any friendship nor intercession, and the unbelievers-- they are the unjust”.

[Cow 254]

 You must spend in order not to be destroyed; you should spend in your lifetime, not after you die. In most cases, if you make your will to spend something after you die, this might not be fulfilled or a trick be fabricated, so the money goes to the undeserved.


What Should You Spend?

1) Spending What The Self Loves:

 Dear brother, but what should you spend? God Said:

“By no means shall you attain to righteousness until you spend (benevolently) out of what you love.”

[The Family of Omra 92 ]

 The thing you love, the thing that the self longs for, the thing that you choose, the thing that you admire is the thing that you should spend, God Said:

“By no means shall you attain to righteousness until you spend (benevolently) out of what you love.”

[The Family of Omra 92 ]

2) Prohibition to spend the bad intentionally:

 Dear brother, God says prohibiting the believers:

“and do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it, you would not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein. And know that Allah is Rich, and Worthy of all praise”.

[ Cow 267 ]

 Allah is rich because of the True Holy Hadith:

“My servants, if your first and last ones, humans and jinns, ask me for anything, I will give each one of them his demand without decreasing my property. It is just like the needle when it goes inside the sea”.

[Muslim form Abi Zar]

 That is because my giving is words and my taking is word.
 Dear brother, you spend for your own happiness and safety.

Quranian Instructions In Spending:

 Dear brother, God His Majesty gives lots of instructions, He Says:

“O you who believe! spend (benevolently) of the good things that you earn”

[Cow 267]

The First Instruction: Spending From The Good Lawful.

 Spend from your lawful money, spend from your good money, spend from money earned lawfully and as per God way, without lying, cheating, trickery, monopolization, deception, prohibited goods, prohibited relation.

 Dear noble brother, God is good, and doesn’t accept but good:

“O you who believe! spend (benevolently) of the good things that you earn”

[Cow 267]

The Second Instruction: Spending in the Happiness and Misfortune:

 Another thing: Spending is a fixed feature in the believer life, God Said:

“Those who spend (benevolently) in ease as well as in straitness.”

[The Family of Omran 134]


  In the prosperity and in the misfortune:

“Those who spend (benevolently) in ease as well as in straitness.”

[The Family of Omran 134]

“Those who spend their wealth by night and day, in secret and in public”.

[ Cow 274 ]

The Third Instruction: Spending In Secret And In Public:

 The believer spends in fortune and misfortune, in day and night, in secret and in public.

Spending In Public is a Benefit:

 Dear brother, to disclose the charity is a benefit, just if it were spent for an association and not for a particular person. Sometimes the rich compete in donations, so in such occasion:

“If you manifest charity, how excellent it is!”.

[ Cow 271 ]

Spending in Secret is A Respect to The Feelings:

 If a charity were given to a person to respect his feelings, human dignity, faith brotherhood, you should hide it.

“If you manifest charity, how excellent it is! And if you hide it and give it to the poor, it is good for you. And it will do away with some of your evil deeds; and Allah is Aware of what you do”.


[ Cow 271 ]


The Fourth Instruction:

 Do Not Follow Charity With Insult or Harm


 The directions of God the Great and Almighty. Allah the Great and Almighty Says:

“Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, then follow not up what they have spent with reproach or injury”.

[ Cow 262 ]

 If you spend, try to forget it completely. While whenever you meet him you say: I wish that amount was a relief?. He says: God bless you, you made me a favour. Then you meet him again and say: I wish you were happy with this amount?. Don’t follow your charity with harm and insult. As long as you spend for Allah’s sake, God will keep your deed for you without seeking the praise of them. If you do a favour, try to forget it completely, but if someone does a favour to you, don’t forget it till you pass away.

The Fifth Instruction: How Much Do You Spend?.

 Dear brother, how much do you spend, God The Almighty Says:

“Let the man of means spend according to his means”

[ The Divorce 7]

 If a man owns hundreds of millions and pay five thousand for charity project?. if he pays a millions or few millions, his fortune won’t decrease. God The Almighty Says:

“Let the man of means spend according to his means”

[ The Divorce 7]

One Penny Preceded One Thousand Penny:

 Who knows the percentage of spending?. God The Great and The Almighty. That is why The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him Said:

“One penny preceded one thousand penny”

[Al Nisaee, Ahmad from Abi Huraira]

 What is important is that this penny. The moral is what does this penny do among the other pennies. Therefore; Someone who wanted to build a mosque. He is charitable and rich. He saw a suitable land, with suitable price. Signed a bond with half of the amount. He asked the poor land owner who has eight children and earns four thousand Syrian Pounds, and work as servant in a school. He said: Where is the rest of the amount?. He said: At the cession. He Said: What is cession?. He Said: You go to the Department of Religious Endowments and renounce of this land to become a mosque. He said: Mosque!!!. He torn the bond!!!. and said: I swear, I am ashamed from God to sell a land to become a mosque, I am more entitled than you to grant it for Allah’s sake. The charitable who owns hundreds of million says: I have never been so small in my life as I was in front of this servant who doesn’t owns but this land that he inherited a month ago while his income rest for few days and he lives in a rented house.

“One penny preceded one thousand penny”

[Al Nisaee,Ahmad from Abi Huraira]

 Dear noble brother.

“Let the man of means spend according to his means: and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him”.

[ The Divorce 7]

Conditions of Accepting the Spending:

 What are the conditions of accepting the spending?. God the Almighty Said:

“And the parable of those who spend their wealth to seek Allah's pleasure”.

[ Cow 265 ]

For Allah’s Sake:

 The good deed, spending is a good deed that is not accepted unless it is for God’s sake, so:

“Actions are but by intentions, and everyone will get the consequence of his intention.”

 With honesty a little and big action will serve you while without honesty neither the little no

“And the parable of those who spend their property to seek the pleasure of Allah and for the certainty 'of their souls”

[The Cow 265]

And Whatever Good Thing You  Spend ,It is to Your Good:

 When you spend you assure to yourself that you love Allah. You assure to yourself that through this money, you solve many problems in your life but you preferred your bother. As if the amount that you pay is called in Quran Spending because it assures your sincere in Allah’s love.

“And whatever good thing you spend, it is to your good”.

[ Cow 272 ]

 If all humans were believers , this would increase in my property.

“My servants, if your first and last ones, humans and jinns, were devout this will not increase my property.
My servants, if your first and last ones, humans and jinns, were unbelievers this will not decrease my property.
If your first and last ones ask me for anything, I will give each one of them his demand without decreasing my property. It is just like the needle when it goes inside the sea.
My servants, it is your deeds that I count and then reimburse you. Therefore, the one who finds good shall thank Allah and the one doesn’t, he must blame himself”.

[Muslim form Abi Zar]

“And whatever good thing you spend, it is to your good. And you spend not but to seek Allah's pleasure”.

[ Cow 272 ]

 God is in no need of his servants, yet he orders them to spend in order to remunerate them double in the Day of Judgment. God Said:

“Who is it that will offer to Allah a goodly gift, so He multiplies it to him manifold?.”

[ Cow 245 ]

“The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the parable of a grain growing seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies for whom He pleases. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.”

[ Cow 261 ]


 This likening is to get close to the meaning. It was mentioned in few traditions that if a man put a bite in his wife mouth, he will see it in the Day of Judgment as Ahod Mountain. This is a bite. So what if you solve a believer problem?. Let a guy get married?. Arrange a home for a male and a female believer?. Treat a patient? .Feed a hunger?. Rescue a family from being homeless by spending your money. Charity falls in Allah’s hand before it falls in the poor hand.
 Be early in the charity so the misfortune doesn’t go beyond it. Treat your patients by charity. Dear Brother, there are two verses in the Holy Quran so accurate, what does a spender hope?. When you go to visit a patient with a gift, you are afraid that you will not be known. Therefore, you put a business card in the gift wishing him recovery. But the truth you wish he knows that it is your gift. The spender is so keen to let sh3er know that he spends for them. God rests you assured, he said to you:

“Their guidance is not thy duty, but Allah guides whom He pleases. And whatever good thing you spend, it is to your good. And you spend not but to seek Allah's pleasure. And whatever good thing you spend, it will be paid back to you in full, and you will not be wronged.”

[ Cow 272 ]

“Is for the poor who are confined in the way of Allah, they cannot go about in the land; the ignorant man thinks them to be rich on account of abstaining . Thou canst recognize them by their maker -- they beg not of men importunately. And whatever good thing you spend, surely Allah is Knower of it.”

[ Cow 273 ]

And Whatever Good Thing You Spend, Allah is Knower of it:

1-God knows each spend, so no need to ask for praise:

 Rest assured, each expense you spend God knows it. This is sufficient so you don’t ask for sh3er’ praise.
 As long as you spent this amount for God sake, God the Great and Almighty knew it and will award you.

2-God remunerates the lack of money by charity:


  The second meaning: When you spend, your money decreases, so what do you long for?. To be remunerated?. God rest you assured, he said:

“And whatever thing you spend, He exceeds It m reward, and He is the best of Sustainers”

[Saba 39]

“And whatever good thing you spend, it is to your good. And you spend not but to seek Allah's pleasure. And whatever good thing you spend, it will be paid back to you in full, and you will not be wronged.”

[ Cow 272 ]

 I swear there is an honored brother who promised to settle all his relative debts who died with an average state. He said to me:"I thought the debts are around ten or twenty thousand. It is four hundred thousand. He said:" I swear I paid them the whole amount with satisfaction because I promised his orphans to cover all their father’s debits. I swear after few days he made a deal of unsold goods, and earned the very amount.
 God remunerates the believer, knows and remunerates. He said:

“And whatever good thing you spend, it is to your good. And you spend not but to seek Allah's pleasure. And whatever good thing you spend, it will be paid back to you in full, and you will not be wronged.”

[ Cow 272 ]

“And whatever thing you spend, He exceeds It m reward, and He is the best of Sustainers”

[Saba 39]

Spending Prepares for the Marital Supervision:


 Spending prepares for the marital supervision. God Said:

“Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel sh3er and because they spend out of their property”.

[ Women 34]

 When the husband is stingy on his wife and children, he loses being a maintainer of them, and loses his position. I always say: Every father is respectable in Islamic Culture and traditions but the championship of the father is to be respectable and adorable. He will not be adorable unless he spends. As for the consumable spending on your food, drink, garments, and home, you should pay attention to this verse:

“And they who when they spend, are neither extravagant nor parsimonious, and (keep) between these the just mean.”

[ The Criterion 67]

Moderation in the Consumable Spending:

 In the consumable spending you should be moderate between wasting and stinting. As for the good there is no wasting in it.
 What is more, once a charitable man granted a house to a charitable association. An honoring party was made to this man. All speakers praised him a lot except one of our honored brother who said to him: Oh great charitable man. You would have been one of the association beneficial who stand in a long queue waiting your turn to take few hundred pounds with a signature, a fingerprint, and identity showing, but you were honored by God so he let you grant instead of take.
 It would have been possible to the one who grants to takes and begs. If God grants him a good income, a fortune, don’t ever think that through your spending you are doing a favour. You might be in his place, so thank Allah the Almighty who let you grant and not take.

 Dear honored brother, another thing. God said:

“How is it with you that you spend not in the cause of Allah?- For to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth.”

[The Iron 10]

Human: be attentive!. God has the Heritage of Land and Heavens.

 You don’t spend but you accumulate money, this wealth, and millions, movables and immovable property, all kinds of foreign currencies. You lose it all at once when your heart stops beating, or when life ends, or when cells grow randomly in a malignant tumour, or when the blood freezes in few vessels. So all his money is not for him at the end. So have the initiative and spend. Day and night work in you, work in them.
 honored brother that is why God Said:

“How is it with you that you spend not in the cause of Allah?- For to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth.”

[The Iron 10]

 When I console a rich man I observe the house. Who chose the marble?. The house owner. Who chose the furniture, the decoration? This furniture is very expensive?. Where is he now?. He is in grave. This house is temporary. The proof is that all announcements of death has the writing:"He will be seen off to his final resting place. So, life is a temporary place. God Say:

“How is it with you that you spend not in the cause of Allah?- For to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth.”

[The Iron 10]

 Learn from the prophet PBUH when the lady Aasha told him:

“Oh messenger of God. Nothing left but its shoulder.He said: All have left except the shoulder”.

[Al Tirmizi from Aasha]

 But dear brother, God The Almighty as a common expression The Omnipotent who gratifies. He Said:


“It shall be no crime in the weak, nor in the sick, nor in those who do not find what they should spend (to stay behind), so long as they are sincere to Allah and His Apostle”.

[Repentance 91]

This is What the Penniless Poor Spends:

 You will not satisfy people by your money So do it by your ethic. God ordered the poor to spend once each year though he doesn’t have his own daily food in order to let him feel the spending once each time.
 He doesn’t have to spend but the poor can use hundreds of ways to God. If you advise, if you preach, if you were an example, if you visit a patient, if you accommodate a poor, if you preach a person. The ways to Allah is as much as the breath of humans. The poor doesn’t find anything to spend but he has thousands of ways to Allah the Almighty. The proof is:

“It shall be no crime in the weak, nor in the sick, nor in those who do not find what they should spend (to stay behind), so long as they are sincere to Allah and His Apostle; there is no way (to blame) against the doers of good; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful”.

[Repentance 91]

It is a Big Issue. The Habits of Believer Are Worships.

 Dear brother, just know that as you are a believer, all your hobbits are worships, while the worships of the hypocrite are sins. The proof:


“Nor do they spend anything that may be spent, small or great, nor do they traverse a valley, but it is written down to their credit, that Allah may reward them with the best of what they have done.”

[Repentance 121]

 When you spend on your family and children. When you sit with your family and children. When you take them a picnic. When you have mercy upon people around you. When you gain good money (Halal) you are worshiping .You believe in God. All your actions are worships. This verse is a proof to whom you should spend.

“They ask thee as to what they should spend. Say: Whatever wealth you spend, it is for the parents and the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatever good you do, Allah surely is Knower of it.”

[ Cow 215 ]

Important Rule: Relatives Deserve the Favour Most.

1- Relationship Criterion.

 Relatives deserve the favour most is a rule, the close relatives, close to poverty, and close to belief. You have three criteria. The close in belief is worthier than the disbeliever. The straight believer is worthier than the disbeliever. The straight elaborate believer is worthier than the one of less belief. The most poor deserves more than the poor. . The close relative deserves more than the far relative. The relatives deserves the favour most.

Spend on the Miserable Who Doesn’t Ask People:

 There is a very accurate verse. God the Almighty says:

“For the poor who are confined in the way of Allah, they cannot go about in the land.”

[ Cow 273 ]

 The proof:

“The ignorant man thinks them to be rich on account of abstaining.”

[ Cow 273 ]

 Who deserves your money?. The one who doesn’t ask.

“And in their property was a portion due to him who begs and to him who is denied (good).”

[The Scatterers 19 ]

 The miserable is the one who doesn’t ask. People might not notice him. The championship of the donator is to look for the one who doesn’t ask. The one who asks, urges you till you get nervous. Sometimes you give him to get rid of him, not because you are convinced. Look for a man who doesn’t ask. This verse means that you look for the poor but not that the poor looks for you.
 Look for him because he won’t ask you, because he will be all-sufficient because his dignity is valuable to him, because he is all-sufficient, because he asks his needs with dignity, because he doesn’t humiliate himself, because he doesn’t weaken in front of the rich. This is the one who deserves your money. He is the one whom you should look for but not wait for the beggars.

Be Careful of The Beggars!!!

 I swear brother, there are unbelievable stories There are beggars who own forty million ,money, houses, cars, public cars and he is a beggar because it is an easy way to earn money. There are artificial broken hand, rented babies, old clothes, and special house. So look for the one who doesn’t ask. Look for the all-sufficient. Look for the dignity owner. Look for the decorated believer. Look for the one whom you think is rich because of being all-sufficient. He is the one who deserves your money. One of our brother – Allah bless him- made a project to cease begging. He personally investigated 1500 beggar. He swore that only five out of them are really poor. The rest has money in the bank, seven hundred thousand; eight hundred thousand; one million; two million. There is a number of forty million. They asked a professional beggar: You are rich why do you beg?.  He said: It is a matter of principle.

Spending Duty Doesn’t End by Getting Rid of the Money but by Giving it to the Ones Who Deserve if:

 Dear brother, the issue of spending money doesn’t stop by getting rid of it. No. The mission doesn’t end here. It doesn’t end unless the money is in its place and with who deserves. With an all-sufficient family, honored. And need the money. Spending mission doesn’t end neither charity nor money purification by getting rid of the money. No. search for the right way. Therefore;


“The ignorant man thinks them to be rich on account of abstaining. Thou canst recognize them by their maker -- they beg not of men importunately. And whatever good thing you spend, surely Allah is Knower of it.”

[ Cow 273 ]

 It was mentioned Al Athar (relating; handing down by tradition)


“Who sits with a rich and weakens, has lost third of his religion.”

Bohaiki in belief branch from Ibn Masoud


  All documents are covered by nylon why?. The matter is so clear. Covers. use these documents thousands of times. There are well fabricated stories. They know the weak point of the believer. He fears God. Surgical operation; opened belly; the hospital reserved the documents. He gives you information, makes you fall down. Different stories.
 I don’t call for not spending, but I call that God reward is not complete unless the money be given in the right place. Search.

Paying Alms in Advance for Coming Years is Permissible.

 There are few honored brother pay their alms in Ramadan and open a page in their accounts for next year. Purification. Whenever they find an accurate, clear, and certain statement they pay calmly from next year account. He paid a duty during a year is eighty thousand. He made his calculations, budget, purification of one hundred year. He should pay twenty. So he does. So he gave himself the chance of one year. Whenever he looks for a poor, needy, look for him, make good study. Brings accurate information, put the money in its place.
 Jurists permit that you pay your money alms one or two years in advance. Open in 1st of Shawal purification account and whenever you find a difficult illness situation, poor sick family, …… family. Help it all over the year. This means you have put the money in its right place or delegate someone whom you trust. Whom you really trust. I swear by God, there is a prostitution house which was supported by alms money because the rich’s mission is to get rid of that money only. This is wrong. You should look for loyal hands. Very loyal or you make deep study.
 Dear honored brother. The first spending verse is the purification one. God says:

“Take alms out of their property”.

[Repentance 103]

Alms Verses:

The Fist Verse:

Alms is a Solution to the nation problems:

 Charity fist: Purification is taken but not given. Not according to the rich’s mood, because the nation’s problems are solved through purification, because purification system is the social solidarity system in Islam, because purification is the economical system to solve the nation issues. There are accurate data that Muslims pay only 5% from their purification and if they pay their alms, nations problems will be solved. I swear by God that there is unbelievable poverty. There is a woman who buys the chicken legs which are dog’s food only. He cocks it for her children out of hard poverty.

This What Happens if Alms is prevented:

 Social researchers met the whores in Duma prison. She swore to the Minister of Religious Endowment, and I was present, that 95% out of them are not corrupted but poor.
What would the rich in our nation say to God in the Day of Judgment?. A woman sells her honor. Sells her religion in order to eat, while few wedding parties cost five, eight or even fifty million. When the poor is obliged to disobey God of course this is not a justification but reality. The rich will be hold responsible.

Either Marriage or Adultery:

 Dear honored brother, you should notice that you might get the higher ranks by this money. Money is power; you might wed a guy or veil a girl. You might arrange a job for a man so he marries. You make a girl marry. Solve a problem. We are facing youth problems. I swear by God if we don’t look for jobs for them or arrange work opportunity or arrange a house for them, arrange marriage expenses. Youth are bombs. I don’t believe “myself” that the number of prostitution houses is a number that if you have heard of it you would not believe. It is really 70,000 houses in Damascus. Whenever we narrow the marriage ways, the unlawful circle will get bigger. Whenever we narrow marriage, adultery increases.

“If a man proposed and you agreed on his religion and noble nature, wed him. If you don’t do, it will be an affliction on earth and big corruption”

Tirmizi from Abi Huraira

 The relation between the male and the female doesn’t stop if you put paralyzing conditions. No. It would be unlawful relation. The most popular in few countries and in ours is Common Marriage. Neither the mother nor the father knows. Two students make a deal at university and practice sex in the name of Common Marriage, because ways are closed. Marriage conditions are too difficult. That is why Aisha said that the Prophet P.B.U.H said:

“The most blessed women are those of easiest provisions” -Ahmad-

 So marriage is very important issue. So purification is taken but not given from what?. From part of their money (from) is (few of) (their money) means from their money. Money, gold, silver, and goods. Take from their money a charity. A charity that proves their honesty. The charity purifies them, purifies the rich from stinginess and the poor from malice.

The Charitable Rich is Rounded by Guards and the Stingy by Robbers.

 Dear honored brother, people around the charitable rich are guards for him while people around the stingy are robbers. People around you are either guards or robbers. Therefore, alms purify the rich from stinginess and the poor from malice. It purifies the money that sh3er’ rights being attached to it.
 A house is subject to a cursed stone in it.

Money Alms is Purification to the Rich Self and to the Poor:

 Cleans them and purifies them. Purify them means grows the poor self.He feels happy that the human society doesn’t forget him.
 Society cares about me; society cares about my children and their schools. I swear I am calling the employees. Any employee seeks to raise the prices, and lower the purchasing value among the hands of employees will be called to unlimited account by God.
 He earns 8000SYP.You raise electricity, water, telephone cost, how are you going to eat?. You push him for the prohibited. When you have made the purchasing value low in his hands, what would the employee do with 10,000SYP?.You push him to earn unlawful money.
 Dear brother:

“Take alms out of their property, you would cleanse them and purify them thereby”.

[Repentance 103]

 Purifies the poor self, purifies the rich self when he finds himself solving the nation’s problems. He might see love in the hearts of hundreds even thousands.
Dear honored brother, the believer is built on giving not taking:

“I swear by the night when it draws a veil, And the day when it shines in brightness, And the creating of the male and the female, Your striving is most surely (directed to) various (ends). Then as for him who gives away”

[The Night]

 The believer gives the non believer


“And as for him who is niggardly”

[The Night 8]

 The believer gives. You, who were brought to life and gave without taking. Oh you, who blessed the whole being and took care of the human issue. Oh you, who developed the domination of mind, and weakened the flock instinct. Who were prepared by your excellence to be one above all, so you lived one among everyone. Mercy was your soul. Justice was your law. Love was your nature. Highness was your craft. People problems were your worship.

 Dear Honored Brother, hold answerable yourselves before you are hold answerable. And balance your deeds before it is balanced. Be advised that the Angel of death has overstepped you to sh3er and will overstep sh3er to come to us. We should be cautious. The courteous is the one who blames himself and works hard for the life after. The incapable is the one who follows his desires and wish wishes.
 And thank God, the lord of the universe.

* * *

Second sermon:
 Praise be to Allah, the lord of universe, there is no God but Allah the lord of the good.

 And our master Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him is His messenger with exalted standard of character. Peace Be Upon Him and His Companion

What would the disbeliever do with his money?


 They Spend Their Money to Hinder from the Way of Allah:

 These verses are for Muslims to urge them to spend. How would disbelievers spend their money?. God said:

“Surely those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (people) from the way of Allah.”

[Spoils of Ware 36]

 They spend their money to hinder from the way of Allah

“So they will go on spending it, then it will be to them a regret, then they will be overcome.”

[Spoils of Ware 36]

 They spend their money to install dissolute channels to hinder from the way of Allah. They spend their money to build organizations that destruct Muslims faith.

Strong Threat to Who Accumulates Gold and Silvers:

 Dear brother: God Says:

“And (as for) those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in Allah's way, announce to them a painful chastisement.”

[Repentance 34]

 Scholars say: Any amount of money, whatever plenty it is, and you don’t pay its alms is not treasure. Any amount of money, whatever small it is, and you don’t pay its alms is a treasure and the owner of this money is applied to this verse:

“And (as for) those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in Allah's way, announce to them a painful chastisement.”

[Repentance 34]

 We should mention an accurate true. Sometimes spending money is easy for someone who has millions. So he solves people’s problems, but he is not following Allah’s way. I wish the charitable to obey God in addition to his charity. God said:

“Say: Spend willingly or unwillingly, it shall not be accepted from you; surely you are a transgressing people.”

[Repentance 53]

 Oh charitable, you should gather your straightness to your charity in order to be given a crown in the day of resurrection. God the Almighty said:

“O you who believe! What (excuse) have you that when it is said to you: Go forth in Allah's way, you should incline heavily to earth; are you contented with this world's life instead of the hereafter? But the provision of this world's life compared with the hereafter is but little.”

[Repentance 38]

Allegorical Story: I am the First Beggar. 

 I was narrating an allegorical story about a man who was sitting with his wife eating chicken. A beggar knocked the door, the wife wanted to give him piece of the food, so her husband chided and prohibited her. He said: Fire him. After a while the relation between the two couples got bad. He divorced her. Someone else proposed to her and she sat with him once while eating chicken. The door knocked, she went to open and got back very upset. He said: Who knocked?. She said: The beggar. He said: Who is he?. She got confused. She said: My ex-husband. He said: Do you know who I am?. I am the first beggar.

 When you become arrogant because of your money. I swear there are tens stories in Damascus. From excessive wealth into begging. When you become arrogant with your money over the poor, God the almighty is able to put you in his place.

“O you who believe! What (excuse) have you that when it is said to you: Go forth in Allah's way, you should incline heavily to earth; are you contented with this world's life instead of the hereafter? But the provision of this world's life compared with the hereafter is but little.”

[Repentance 38]

 When you spend you should be full of love to God because he allowed you to spend.
 I say once again: The one who accepted your charity has advantage on you. The rich in the time of our master Omar used to walk long distances and days to find a man who accepts their alms. Who takes from you has advantage on you because he allowed you to obey God through him. Be polite with the one you give. Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H used to put the charity in the hand of the poor. Some of the rich let the upper hand is the hand of the poor in order to be polite with God.

Bad Saying Uttered by The Stingy Rich:

 There is a saying by the singly rich. God said:

“And when it is said to them: Spend out of what Allah has given you, those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Shall we feed him whom, if Allah please, He could feed?.”

[ Ya Seen 47]

 They say Allah is for the poor. You have. You have plenty of money and this is poor and close to you. He needs a surgical operation. Allah takes care of him.
 There is harder word: You are never more merciful than God to the blind. God the Almighty made this difference in order for both the poor and the rich to be upgraded to God. The poor thanks and the rich thanks God the Almighty.

Hatful Pre-Islamic Phenomena:

1- The First Phenomenon:

 Dear brother, sometimes the dissolution is inside home. If only the son straightens up, the father prohibits him from his money. God said:

“They are the ones who say, "Spend nothing on those who are with Allah's Messenger, till they disperse (and quit Madinah)." But to Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not.”

[The Hypocrites7]

2- The Second Phenomenon:


 We are at a time when Charity work is accused. He was caught in a charitable association. The charitable work is accused. How if the favour turns to be bad conduct and vice versa!!..

The Devil Threatens You With Poverty:

 The second party God said about the second party:

“The devil threatens you with poverty.”

[ Cow 268 ]

 He owns millions and afraid from poverty. Therefore, they said:
 You are poor when you are afraid from poverty. You are ill when you are afraid from illness. Expecting a catastrophe is a bigger catastrophe. God said:

“The devil threatens you with poverty and enjoins you to be niggardly, and Allah promises you forgiveness from Himself and abundance. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing:”

[ Cow 268 ]

How Does the Disbeliever Spend His Money If He Does?.

 Dear brother, if the disbeliever spends money he spends it arrogantly and wastefully. If he keeps his money, he keeps it out of stinginess. The worst of humans is the one lived poor in order to die rich.

 Al Imam Ali said: “Wealth and Poverty is after being present in front of by”

 Neither the rich is called rich during life nor the poor. Wealth and poverty is after being present in front of Allah. True wealth is the good deeds.

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