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Biography-Prophetic Biography- Understanding the Prophet's Biography- (lesson 50-57): The Importance of Prophetic Biography in Our Lives
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The Sunnah of the Prophet is a full course for life:

 Dear respectful brother, we go on with a new lesson of the Prophet’s noble traits. As Prophet Muhammad PBUH treats "Sunnah" is his words, deeds, characteristics, and as long as Prophet Muhammad PBUH is infallible by his own, so his words are Sunnah, his deeds are Sunnah, his acknowledgment is Sunnah, which means are method and Allah the All Mighty said:

(( Neither did you (O Muhammad) read any book before it (This Quran) nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. In that case, indeed, the followers of falsehood might have doubted.))

(Al-Ankabut: 48)

 This means every word said by Prophet Muhammad PBUH is a revelation; revealed to him, not his own, because Allah the All- mighty said:

(( Nor does he speak of his (own) desire, it is only an inspiration that is inspired.))

(An-Najm: 3, 4)

 His words are legislation. Therefore, there are two revelations; one was conveyed to him by Gabriel and another one that was not conveyed. His honest traditions "Hadeath" are revelation that are not conveyed, his conduct is revelation which is not conveyed, and his acknowledgment is a revelation which is not conveyed.

Desperate attempts to undermine the Sunnah:

 Therefore, dear brother, the enemies of Muslims cannot cancel this religion because it is like a high mountain. But, they are trying to destroy its pillars from inside and Sunnah is one of Islam pillars

“ I have been given Quran and its resemblance with it. ”

(narrated by: Yazeed Ibn Haroon from Al-Mikdam Ibn Maad Yakreb Al-Kindi).

In addition, some people say that the Holy Quran is sufficient for us, although the Holy Quran says:

(( And whatsoever the messenger (Muhammad PBUH) gives you take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it).))

( Al-Hashr: 7)

 So, those people who would say the Holy Quran is enough for us; they are canceling the Holy Quran, because the Holy Quran orders you to take what the Prophet PBUH gives you and abstain from what he forbids you, so the Holy Quran shows that the prophet's PBUH mission is to clarify it. As if the Holy Quran is a law and Al-Sunnah is an explanation of this law, so if we cancel this explanation we would be canceling the law itself.

We must have great interest in the Sunnah of the Prophet:

 Therefore, dear brother, we should take the prophet PBUH Sunnah, in words, deeds, acknowledgment and characteristics.
 I ensure you; if we have nothing but Sunnah; it would be enough to be your method, as his deed are legislation.
 As you know, each one of us has a personality that he established for himself, a personality he hates to be like, and a personality he wishes to be like. This lesson and these treats are for those people who are looking for an ideal personality, as Allah the Sublime said:

(( Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the last Day, and remembers Allah much.))

( Al-Ahzab: 21)

 Then, we should observe Prophet Muhammad's PBUH attitudes, his humanity, his fairness, his modesty, his justice, and we should have the ambition to follow his steps, this means you are a believer. Whereas if you do not mind about his Sunnah then you do not want Allah and the last day, because Allah the All Mighty said:

(( Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the last Day, and remembers Allah much.))

The Prophet is a human being has the human characteristics:

 In this lesson, I want to pause a little bit at the importance of his prophetic biography. In the books we read, we may find ideality, but it is not enough to inauthor us enough to practice it. So, what does inauthor us to apply the Prophet Muhammad PBUH line of conduct? When you look at yourself, you will find out that you are a human being.

“ I am no more than a human being, I am pleased as a human being pleased, and get angry, as a human being gets angry.”

(Narrated by Al-Muslem from Anas from Abi-Huraira).

 Prophet Muhammad PBUH says:

“ I was harmed in Allah's sake,and no body was harmed, and I was frightened in Allah's sake and no body was frightened, thirty days and nights had passed and neither Bilal nor I had something to eat except what can be hidden by Bilals armpit.“

(Narrated by Ahamd and At-Termthi and Ibn majah and Ibn Hayan from Anas).

 Then, he is a human being and because he is a human being what applies to human beings applies to him, thus he is the Master of all human beings.
So, if your ambition and your desires were not directed to follow his steps then there is a trouble in your faith, and there is weakness in your faith.
And the following Ayah is enough for you,

(( Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the last Day, and remembers Allah much.))

Moreover, Allah the Great and All Mighty will not accept the claim of His love without a proof.Allah the Sublime said:

(( Oh Muhammad tell all mankind (if you really love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Quran and the Sunnah) Allah will love you and forgive your sins.))

( Aal Imran: 31)

 This means the one who does not think of pursuing the practical Sunnah, and do not make Prophet Muhammad PBUH his ideal, then he does not love Allah ( if you really love Allah then follow me). Moreover scholars said Prophet Muhammad's PBUH love is the core of Allah's love, and this is the meaning of Allah's words in:

(( But it is more filling that they should please Allah and His Messenger Muhammad if they are believers.))

( Al-Taubah: 62)

 According to Arabic language both Allah and Muhammad were mentioned as one that means Prophet Muhammad's PBUH love is the core of Allah's love. So, Prophet Muhammad's PBUH love is a branch of Allah's love. In other words, the one who does not love Prophet Muhammad PBUH does not love Allah, and who loves Allah must love Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

“ Now Omar how have you become. - I swear by Allah that I love you more than my folks, my children, and the whole people, except myself …- then Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, Oh Omar your faith will not be completed. After a while, Omar came back and said, -O!Allah's Messenger now I love you more than my folks, my children, my money, and even myself. Then, Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: Now O! Omar (ie now your faith is complete).”

 Dear brother, our master Saad Ibn Abi Wakkas - one of the honest companions- says (Three things through out them I am a Man, and otherwise I am I normal person) and the word "Man" does not mean male in Quran neither in Sunnah, it means a "Hero"

(( Men whom neither trade nor sale (Business) diverts from remembrance of Allah (with heart and tongue) nor from performing prays (Iqamat-as-Salat) nor from giving the Zakat they fear a day when hearts and eyes will be overturned (out of the horror of the torment of the day of Resurrection).))

( An-Nur: 37)

(( In it are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allah love those who make themselves clean and pure.))

( Al-Taubah:108)

An example of the companions’ believe in the Prophet:

 So, the word "Man" does not mean male, it means a "Hero", and our master Saad Ibn Abi Wakkas says: (Three things throughout them I am a Man, and otherwise I am I normal person.- What are the three things?- The lofty companion says, I have never prayed AL-Ishaa prayers and thought of anything else until I finished it)

“ The Prayer is the pillar of religion.”

(Narrated by Al- Bayhaqi from faith branches from Omar).

“ He who performed it (ie: prayers), has indeed constructed his religion and he who destroyed it, destroyed his religion, as the prayer is the ascent of the believer.”
“The prayer is a scale and the one who performed it and fulfilled its due, will get its fruits”.

(Narrated by Ibn Al-Moubarak in Al-Zohd from Ibn Abbas).

 That means whoever gives prayer's performance its due in full, will get the fruits of the prayer.
 In other words, to watch T.V soaps all night and then you go to pray Al-Ishaa, although you stand up and say Allah Akkbar – Allah is the Greatest-, next you read Al-Fatiha and any Surah, you kneel and prostrate, but you cannot approach Allah. As it had been said,

I complained to Wakee about my bad memory.
He led me to leave sins,
and told me that learning is a light
and Allah's light will not be given to a sinner.

 Prayer is light, delight, purity, scale, reason, ascent of the believer, approach, glorifying Allah, and the pillar of religion.
 It had been mentioned in the holy Traditions;

" Not every man praying really prays. I only accept it from the one who carries modesty to My greatness, resists his desires, which I forbid, does not insist on doing sins, feeds a hungry person, gives clothes to a needy person, and be lenient with the distressed person, and gives shelter to a stranger. All these things to Me, by My glory and My loftiness the light of his face will be to Me brighter than the sun. I will turn his recklessness to patience and darkness to light, he supplicates Me and I answer him, asks Me... and I give him, he swears by My name…and I respond to him, keep him close to Me and let My angels protect him, to Me, he is like paradise which its fruits do not lack or change."

(Narrated by Al- Dulaimi from harithah Ibn Wahab).

 Thus our Master Saad Said, Three things through out them I am a Man and otherwise I am I normal person. I have never prayed Al-Ishaa prayers and thought about something else until I finished it, and never walked in a funeral and talked to myself about anything else.
 Before we started this lesson, we had prayed for one of the Muslims who died. Did any one of us think about the day were he is going to be in a coffin, and he will enter the mosque not to pray but to be prayed upon and then the funeral goes to the cemetery where he will go into the grave and will be asked about all his deeds.

“ And never walked in a funeral and talked to myself with anything else till I leave it.”

 In traditions it had been mentioned that, the dead man's soul flies over his coffin saying: Oh my folks my children, do not let life fool you like it did to me; I gathered money from what is both allowed and forbidden, and spent it in what isboth allowed and forbidden. So, enjoy it, and I am the one who will be responsible.
Also, in hadeath:

"By the in Whose Hand is Muhammad's soul, in every home the Angel of Death will stand five times every day, once he sees a man ceased from livelihood, and his time is due, he will throw death sorrow upon him, and then let him go through the agony of death. After that, you will see his folks, one slapping her face, another screaming with wretchedness, a third one tearing her cloths. Then the Angel of Death will say why are you so concerned? Why are you scared? I did not take away your sustenance nor made your time of death closer. I will come back again and again, until I will not leave any one of you. By the in Whose Hand is Muhammad's soul, if they heard his speech or saw his place they will forget all about the dead man and cry for themselves."

 In addition, it had been mentioned in traditions,

" If you only know what you will face after death, you would never have food or drink with appetite, and you would never enter a house for shelter. You would rather go to highlands… hit your chests and cry for yourselves."

(Narrated by Ibn Assaker from Abi Ad-Dardaa).

 - And never walked in a funeral and talked to myself with something else until I leave it. and never heard a talk from Prophet Muhammad PBUH and doubted it, I know it is truly from Allah.

(( And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it).))

Excerpts from the practical biography of the Prophet:

 If the honest believer read Prophet Muhammad's PBUH biography and line of conduct, how he would meet his family? He will say peace be upon you to them, and smile.
 How he would treat women?

(Be honorable with women, I swear by Allah, the one who honors them is a noble man, and he who insults them is a mean man. As they defeat the noble and they are defeated by the mean. And would rather be a defeated noble man than a mean triumphant.)

 - At his home, Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to do what his family is doing, fixing his shoes, mend his cloth, and sweep his house. And you as a true believer should take the Prophet PBUH as your role model, you should take him as your example while in his home, with his wives, with his children.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to say:

“ Teach but do not reproach, because the teacher is better than the one who reproaches all the time.”

(Narrated by Al-hareth Ibn Adi and Al Bayhaki from Abi Horayrah).

 He used to greet boys, play with them, kiss them, and carry them even when he was praying. Once, he was at the rostrum and saw his daughter's son Al-Housain stumbling, so he went down, carried him and climbed the stairs with him …. That is how he was with children.
 That is how he was with women as well, once Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, got angry, and she broke a plate she had got from Safia, may Allah be pleased with her, she was jealous. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said,

“ Your mother got Angry, your mother got Angry.”

(Narrated by Al –Boukhari).

 He was a successful husband, a successful father, an honest friend, and a good neighbor.
 Dear brother, by this lesson I want you to know that if Prophet Muhammad PBUH was not our ideal as he was in his biography, in his home, with his brother, and at his mosque. Then we are not as we should be.
 Once, a Bedouin prayed behind Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and one of the men who were praying next to the Bedouin sneezed, so he said to him - may Allah have mercy upon you- (while praying).That made the noble companions strike their legs as a sign to tell this man you should not do that. So, the Bedouin was afraid to be reproached or hit by them after prayer. Thus Prophet Muhammad PBUH called him after he finished his prayers

“ Allah's worshiper, come over here, talking is not allowed during prayer.”

 The Bedouin said I redeem him by my mother and father, I swear by Allah; he never reproached or scolded me. Then he said, Oh Allah, have mercy upon us also upon Muhammad, and no one else but us.
 So, Prophet Muhammad PBUH said

“ brother you have narrowed what was very broad.”

(Narrated by Al –Boukhari).

 He was kind and modest.

"A man came to him trembling, Prophet Muhammad PBUH said to him “ take it easy, I am only a son of a woman who was used to eat jerky in Makkah.”

(Narrated by Al-Termithi).

 - Once Prophet Muhammad PBUH was traveling with his companions, and they wanted to deal with a sheep, one of them said I will slaughter it, another one said I will skin it, a third one said I will cook it and PBUH said, then I will gather wood.
 They said - we will do that for you, - he said: I know you will do but Allah would hate a distinctive worshipper among his mates.
 I want from this good meeting to clarify a crucial truth; if you do not make Prophet Muhammad PBUH your ideal in your life then you are not pursuing him.
 Once, as mentioned in his biography, PBUH entered his home and said

“Do you have any food? – there was nothing at all- they said: no., then he said: I am fasting.”

(Narrated by Mouslem from Aisha).

 - A chief of a tribe saw a valley full of sheep belonging to Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
 The chief said to Prophet Muhammad PBUH: who do those belong to? PBUH said: they are yours, the chief said:, are you making fun of me? PBUH said, No, I swear by God, they are yours. Then the chief said: I swear that you are Allah's messenger, giving like a person who does not fear poverty.
 It had been mentioned in traditions,
 He is an ideal for us in his poverty and in his richness. Also in his subjugate. Once he had been subjugated in At-Taayff, and now Muslims all around the world are subjugated. He said

“ Oh, Allah if you are not angry with me I do not care for anything, but your protection is vast for me. I am in due to You till You are pleased, but Your forgiveness is better for me.”

(Narrated by Al-Tabarani from Abdullah Ibn Jafar).

 - Then Allah allowed him to have revenge, after that, the king of the mountains came to him and said, - Allah ordered me to be at your service, if you want, I can let two mountains fall down on them-. But Prophet Muhammad PBUH said,

“ No brother, Oh Allah, please show my people the right way because they do not know.”

 - He had been tested in poverty and he passed, tested in richness and passed, tested by subjugation and passed, tested by victory and passed.
 - He entered Makka a conqueror, ten thousands men at his service, waiting a word from his mouth. Therefore, he was able to do whatever he wants with those valiant who had been his enemies for twenty years, killed his companions, and fought with him three times, he as the strong triumphant, could let his army confiscate their lands, and terminate them. Instead, PBUH said:

“ What do you think I will do to you? They replied: an honorable man and son of honorable brother. He said. Then go, you are free.”

(Prophetic biography).

 He was triumphant, conqueror, yet when he entered Makka he was bending his head till the edge of his tiara was about to touch the neck of his camel, as a way of modesty to Allah.
His son Ibrahim had died and his eyes were full of tears. They said: Are you crying Allah's messenger. He said,

“ Eyes might be full of tears, heart might be sad, but we have nothing to say, except what please Allah, and we are sad for your death O Ibrahim.”

(Agreed on ).

 - He was tested by the death of his son and he passed, two of his daughters were divorced, the hypocrites -in Al-Ifk Hadeath -, had accused his wife with adultery but he was patient. A revelation from the seventh heaven has acquitted her from that. When that happened Al-Siddique was with him, so he said to his daughter you should thank Allah's Messenger. She said, by Allah I do not thank anyone, but Allah, PBUH said; she is telling the truth – Allah is the one whom should be thanked as He is the one who acquitted her-.
 Once, a disgusting unmannerly Bedouin held his cloth until his hand left marks on his neck, and he said: oh Muhammad this money is not yours nor you fathers, therefore give me some of it. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: he is honest it is Allah's.

(( Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the last Day, and remembers Allah much.))

 Lady Aisha once asked him: How is your love to me? - Nowadays most ignorant husbands would say, you are short, and they would not leave a bad thing about her without telling her about-. While, when Lady Aisha asks him: how is your love to me? He says to her: it is like a knot in rope. Every now and then, she asks him, how is the knot? He replies: tight as ever.
Another time Aisha was talking to him about an example couple Abo Zar' and Om Zar'. Abou zar' used to be noble, courageous, generous….etc, but unfortunately, he divorced her. PBUH said to her: I am to you like Abo Zar to Om Zar, but I will not divorce you. (He secured her.)
 If we do not keep in our minds his biography, and if we do not consider this outstanding personality, -Prophet Muhammad PBUH personality as our ideal-, with his manners, characteristics, modesty, mercy, justice, and fairness. Then there is weakness and trouble in our belief.
 Dear brother, when he prays Dawn he used to reauthors long verses, once he had heard a boy crying so he summed up the prayer and end it quickly. His companion were astonished, he said to them,

“ I heard a boy crying calling his mother, so I was merciful with her.”

“ The one who do not gratify our elderly, have mercy on our children, and give our scholars their due, he is not one of us.”

(Narrated by Ahmad and Al-Hakem from Obadah Ibn As-Samet).

What matter in the prophet’s biography is following the prophet:

 That is what PBUH said: Thus, dear brother we should not only listen to these tales about Prophet Muhammad PBUH but we turn should turn it to reality and live with it.

1 - Knowing the biography of the Prophet is a duty on each Muslim:

  Thus, this point is very crucial, be accurate. There in no rule, that says a duty cannot be done without a duty, for example, can we pray without ablution?
So, prayer is a duty and ablution is a duty. 
Allah said to His believing worshippers:  

(( Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH) you have a good example to follow.))

 Honestly, we cannot make Prophet Muhammad PBUH our ideal if we do not know his biography.
 How would you treat your high blood pressure, - which is the known as the silent killer - if you do not know that you have high blood pressure?
 The same as before, how can you make Prophet Muhammad PBUH your ideal if you do not know his biography. That is why it is a duty to every Muslim.

(( Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad PBUH) you have a good example to follow.))

 How can he be an example for us if we do not know how he eats, sleeps, treats his wives, companions, and children.
 Thus, knowing Prophet Muhammad PBUH biography is a duty on each Muslim, and knowing his oral treats is a duty as well. The proof is that Allah Almighty says:

(( And whatsoever the messenger (Muhammad PBUH) gives you take it; and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it).))

 So, how would we take whatsoever he gave us and abstain from what he forbids if we do not know his biography.

2 - Attending the lessons of the biography is important:

 It is important to know his manners at his home, sometimes when a man talks to a person in a high rank he talks to him in a bad way like calling him by his first name without the title considering this as a part of faith. No. When Prophet Muhammad PBUH sent a letter to Caesar the Roman king, he said to him (from Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah to Roman Grandiose)
Therefore, he was not grandiose but that was a title.
 When you are close to Prophet Muhammad PBUH biography, you will follow it.
 I want to say this, you can learn every thing from his biography, the manners of eating and drinking. Nobody at all saw him spreading his legs, he who is the master of all human beings, the dearest to Allah the true, - nobody at all saw him spreading his legs – unless someone has an excuse, otherwise, its not good manners to do so.
He never dispraised food,- if someone invited you to have a meal at his place and worked hard preparing it you should not say its not tasty, -this really rude,- Prophet Muhammad PBUH never dispraised food.
 Anyone of his companions, who dealt with him, thought he is the closest person to him PBUH. - This is heroic. - As he used to give them titles, - Abu Baker is like my sight and hearing, nothing would harm Othman after now, Khaled, Allah's sword, Abo Obaida the prince of this nation, Al-Zoubair Ibn Al-Awam the Houri of this nation.

“ You Throw Saad... I redeem you by my father and my mother.”
“ That is my uncle show me one like him.”

(Narrated by Muslim from Ali).

 He used to be a very successful husband with his pure wives; he used to be fair and honest with them.
 Lady Aisha used to say to him when she was annoyed from the much he praised Khadija, who was dead: didAllah not replace her with a better one. He replied, by Allah no, and repeated: no by Allah, no.
 Dear brother, I want you to turn this into reality; a way of living, his privacy at home, the way he sells and buys, how he deals with his brother, companions, in war and in peace.

Why is the situation of the Muslims bad today?

 Finally, I want to end this lesson with those two verses, which tell us why Muslims are being tortured nowadays. Allah Almighty says:

(( But God was not going to send them a penalty (torches) whilst thou are amongst them.))

(Al- Anfal: 32)

 The meaning of this Ayah is very clear. However, what does it mean after Prophet Muhammad's PBUH Death? That means as long as your way of conduct Sunnah –OMuhammad PBUH- is with them in their lives, at their homes, in their mosque, in selling and buying, their way of earning and spending money, in their celebrations, happy and bad times, then they are released from Allah's torment.

(( But God was not going to send them a penalty (torches) whilst thou are amongst them; nor was He going to send it whilst they are asking for pardon.))

 So when we do not apply his way of conduct all the time, but we ask for pardon, we will be released from Allah's torment, so if we apply his way of conduct we will be prosperous. Moreover, the way of Muslims salvation is to apply his way of conduct in their lives. Then Allah might be compassionate with them.

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