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Biography- Prophetic Biography- Understanding the Prophet's Biography- (Lesson 10-57): Devine Revelation and Prophetic Missionary
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

What does the age of forty years mean?

 Dear honorable brother, with a new lesson of Fiqhsira-prophetic autobiography. The subject we will be discussing today is the revelation and the prophetic missionary.
 The revelation started descending on Prophet Mohammad-peace be upon him-when he reached forty years of age. We will focus on the word “forty years” because it is the age of maturity. Allah says:

"Did We not give you lives long enough, so that whosoever would receive admonition, - could receive it? And the warner came to you".

[Surat Fatir, 37]

 Imam Al-Qurtubi said: “The Warner” is the age of forty, so whoever reaches forty as if he is approaching the grounds of the hereafter.
 And the Prophet PBUH says:

(( whoever reaches forty years and his goodness did not overcome his evil, then let him prepare for a station in hell-fire)).

[Published by the Azdy from the narration of Abd-Allah Bin Malik al-Harawi]

The difference between Revelation and Heritage:

 This is dear brother the age of maturity. And the story of the starting of revelation is documented from a true Hadeeth from Urwa Bin Al-Zubair.

 There are some people who think that Islam is a “heritage”. Heritage is associated with earth but Islam is a revelation from the sky. There is a great difference between the cultures which are man-made and between the Divine revelation which is from the Creator of all creations. Moreover, the superiority of Allah’s speech on the beings’ speech is like Allah’s superiority upon His creatures.
 The difference here is like the difference between earth and sky: If we say a revelation from the sky it means no false surrounds it, it is an explicit truth with no fault or doubt and does not accept amend, change, substitute, development, omitting nor addition.
 There are some people who call for “the renewal of the religious speech”. They may mean deletion of it or to vacate it from its real context because there is no other inclusive prohibitive definition for the concept of “renewal in religion” but that to take from the religion all what is stuck in it that is not from it.
 Religion is from Allah Almighty. Therefore, scholars said that the default of the worshipping ceremonies and Islamic doctrine is prohibition. So there is no imposed worshipping unless it has clear and conclusive evidence. On the other hand, the origin in this life is permission, and nothing is prohibited unless it has clear and conclusive stable evidence.

The start of revelation upon the Messenger of Allah:

  As for the true Hadeeth narrated from Urwa narrated by Aysha-may Allah be pleased with her-she said:

((The first thing that the Prophet –peace be upon him- started from revelation was the true dream during sleep. Thus never had he a dream, but it came like the daybreak)).

[Agreed upon Muslim from Ibn Abbass]

 So Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger-peace be upon him-revealed the curtain while people were standing in rows behind Abu Bakr and said:

((Oh, people, nothing is left from the good prophetic omens but the good true dream seen by the Muslim.))

[Agreed upon, from Ibn Abbass]

  It may be a good omen or drawing attention towards something. Anyway, the true vision is a straight path between Allah and His slave and it might be from the honoring of Allah towards the humans.
 Back to Aysha’s narration-may Allah be pleased with her-she said ((then he liked loneliness)) solitary, meditation and contemplation. Aisha-may Allah pleased with her-continued in her narration: ((He used to be in solitary in Hira Cave for a religious devotion for many nights before he gets back to his family to Khadija to supply him with his needs to go back to Hira Cave.)) Sometimes man gains everlasting happiness because of a true meditating moment.
  Allah Almighty says:

(Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding.(191)Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.)

[ Surat Al-Imran, 190-191]

 If the Prophet-peace be upon him-meditated in Hira Cave for a number of nights, each believer should have some time to meditate daily on the creation of the heavens and the earth.

The Core of understanding religion is to know the One who made the Decrees.

 If the noble Quran has a verse that contains an order that means you should obey and if it has a prohibition, you should avoid it. If it has a scene from Judgment Day, it means that you should strive to do deeds which lead you to heaven and keep you away from hell-fire. If it includes stories from the ancient nations, it means that you should learn the lesson and avoid the reasons of the destruction of these nations. If there were 1,300 verses about the Universe in the noble Quran, it means that you should mimic your Prophet-peace be upon him-as he meditated in Hira Cave because these verses are methodology of searching for Allah through the universe.
 He-peace be upon him- used to sit in solitary in Hira Cave. Some scholars said that “he who did not have a startling beginning will not have a bright end” When you admire the signs that show Allah’s Might, you will know Allah,-knowing Him is the base of religion. And alike, the origin of religion is to know Him. The problem that occurs in the Islamic World from deviations and distress is not due to the ignorance of the Muslims in the Islamic commandments, but because of their ignorance in knowing Allah. So if you know the commander and get the command, you will devote yourself in obedience. But if you know the command but not the commander, you will diversify in disobedience.

How should a true Believer live in this world?

 Our master Nuaim Bin Masoud the leader of Ghatafan tribe came to Medina to fight the Prophet-peace be upon him-in the Ditch Invasion-Alkhandaq Battle. He was sitting in his tent unable to sleep and feeling very restless, he said to himself: “Oh Nuaim, what brought you to Medina? Is it to fight this good man? what did he do? Did he violate anyone’s honor? Did he steel money? Did he kill anyone? Where is your mind Nuaim?
 I wish that each one of you has a moment with himself to think; who am I? What is my goal in this life? What is there after death? What have I done for the life after? Concentrate on your deeds, on your gaining and spending money, on raising your children. Does your job satisfy Allah or not. You should not be driven by the ornaments of this worldly life. Allah Almighty describes the believers:

“And the servants of ((Allah)) Most Beneficient are those who walk on the earth in humility “

[ Surat Al-Furqan, 63]

 What is the meaning of “humility”? It was not reported that the Prophet-peace be upon him- had ever walked in humility. Aisha – may Allah be pleased with her, said; May Allah have mercy on Omar: I have never seen anyone more ascetic, when he walked, he walked quickly, and when he fed sh3er, he fed a satisfying meal, and if he hit, he hit with causing pain. So what is the meaning of the above verse? It means that they walked,with a slow meditating mind not allowing this worldly life to take them away or make them forget their goal in this life. Not allowing disasters to oppress or despair them. He would be aware, optimistic and confident in his walk.

The First phase in which the reveleation descended on the Prophet in a clear visible form:

 ((He used to be in solitary in Hira Cave for religious devotion for many nights before he went back to his family to Khadija to supply him with his needs to go back to Hira Cave. Till the truth came by Gabriel- the angel – and said: Read. The prophet answered: I am not of a reader. The prophet said: then he took me and squeezed me-so that no one thinks that it was just a dream or meditation, revelation was something material- then he let go of me. Then he squeezed me another time till I felt fatigue so he let go of me and said: Read. I told him: I am not of a reader. Then he squeezed me for the third time then let go of me and said:

“1.Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists),
2. Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood).
3. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous,
4. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)],
5. Has taught man that which he knew not.”

[Surah 96. Al-‘Alaq, 1-5]

(( So the Prophet-peace be upon him- retuned home with his heart shivering and said: ‘cover me, cover me’. So they did till he calmed down)).

[Albukhari narrated by Aisha]

 Allah Almighty says:

(29. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth)

[ Surah 42. Ash-Shurah,:29)

(37. Among His Signs are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon)

[ Surah 41. Fussilat, 37]

(21 And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.)

[ surah 30Ar-Rum, 21]

 The greatest of the great on this earth, the master of Adam’s sons, and the beloved of the Creator of the universe was calmed down by his wife. This is to emphasize the great role of woman. Our mother Khadija was his internal support so the year she died in was called the Year of Grieve.

(( Until he calmed down, then he told Khadija what had happened, he said: I feared for myself! But Khadija told him: ‘No, don’t fear.” ))

[Al-Bukhari from Aisha’]

 Dear brother, there was no revelation, no tradition nor judgments. Khadija said the word from instinct: Definitely not. Allah would never disgrace you. For you visit the people of kinship, help the needy, support the poor, you welcome and are generous to the guest and help on the disasters of life. [Al-Bukhari from Aisha]

 Dear Muslim, Allah will never let you down as long as you are as Allah and His Messenger want you to be:

 Dear brother, young brother, as long as you follow the straight path, keep your sight from the forbidden, tell the truth, honest in what you are entrusted for and obey your parents, Allah will not let you down, and you will have the good omen which is a law, that applies in any era, any place, any country and any circumstance. As the poet says:

Be with Allah and He will be with you
Leave the sh3er and beware of your greed
If He gives you, who would stop Him
But who would give you if He prevents you

The Role of a sensible woman in a marriage:

 So our mother Khadija was indeed the Messenger’s internal support.
 By the way, if marriage was based on only a person’s desires only, that is to fulfill one’s eyes with the beauty of the other partner without any consideration to the intellectual aspect of the other partner, this marriage would not be successful and very soon, each partner will be bored of the other. But if the wife is educated and there is mutual sharing of information and ideas, sharing ambitions and desires understanding man’s principals, and supporting him when he is worried, that is likely to be a successful marriage that will make you happy. Therefore, if you teach a man you teach but one, but if you teach a woman, you teach a whole family.
 The clearest evidence is that when the Prophet-peace be upon him- invaded Mecca he was invited to stay in the houses of the most significant figures of Mecca, rather he said: Pitch me a tent at Khadija’s grave. And he –peace be upon him –implanted the flag of victory in front of her grave for the whole world to see till the end of this world that this great woman-our mother Khadija-may Allah be pleased with her-is his partner in victory and success. This is the eminent kind of marriage where your wife shares with you your ambitions, fears, principals and goals.

The detailed meaning deduced from Waraqa Ibn Nawfal’s stroy

 And the narration continues

((So Khadija took him immediately to her cousin Waraqa Ibn Nawfal Ibn Asad Ibn Abd Al-Uzza and he was a person who became a Christian during the Age of Ignorance and he used to write the Bible in Hebrew. He would write from the Gospel in Hebrew as much as Allah wished him to write. He was a very old man who had lost his eyesight. Khadija said: Oh cousin, hear from your nephew-meaning Mohammad-peace be upon him. Warqa asked him: What do you have O nephew. So the prophet told him what had happened to him. Waraqa said: This is definitely the Angel that came to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would get you out." Allah's Apostle asked, "Will they drive me out?" Waraqa replied in the affirmative and said, "Anyone (man) who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then I would support you strongly.))
 So the battle between truth and untruth is everlasting since the start of creation till the Day of Judgment for Allah wants to test the believers. But for this conflict, there would be no heaven. Isn’t Allah capable of making the unbelievers in a continent and the believers in another? There would not be any battles like Badr, Uhod the Ditch, or the Conquest of Mecca. Each would live peacefully in their continent so there would be no need for heaven. Allah says:

(214. Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken)

[Surah2. Al-Baqara, 214]

"When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you were harbouring doubts about Allah.11. There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking."

[Surah 33. Al-Ahzab, 10]

  Thus when there are ordeals, gifts will follow. Whenever there is hardship, dragging towards Allah is followed.

 In a museum in Istanbul there is a diamond the size of an egg estimated at $150 million. If we consider the origin of the diamond, we see that it is originally from coal. If you have a piece of coal the same size of that diamond how much is it worth, Five cents or even one? So what is the difference between the two pieces? The first one was under immense pressure and heat that changed it into diamond. Thus, pressure and hardships make real men and heroes. And it may be a way to enter Paradise. This worldly life is not a place for rewards nor comfort; rather it is a place of pressures and tests. So, the Beautiful name of Allah “The Just” applies partially in this life but on The Day of Judgment it will apply fully. Allah Almighty says:

"Say: "Allah originates the creation and then He repeats it "

[Surah 10. Yunus, 34]

"15. "Verily, the Hour is coming and My Will is to keep it hidden that every person may be rewarded for that which he strives"

[Surah 20. Ta-ha, 15]

 The decisive lesson is not to avoid the disasters but to confront the disasters you face with the correct solutions in a correct way.

Quranic evidence that the revelation is real and it is independent of the the Prophet:

1 – The period in which the revelation ceased descending on the Messenger of Allah (after the first time)

 Then Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration paused for a while. The Prophet was very sad but Gabriel appeared from time to time to support him and to tell him: O, Mohammad, you are really the Messenger of Allah. Allah says:

“1. By the forenoon (after sun-rise);2. And by the night when it is still (or darkens);. Your Lord (O Muhammad) has neither forsaken you nor hated you.)”

[Surah Ad-Duha, 1-3]

 The greatest gift for you is to be sincere with Allah: "

"Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger] and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Beneficent (Allah) will bestow love for them (in the hearts of the believers).

[Surah 19 Mariam, 96]

 The Prophet PBUH was in his utmost happiness when the revelation came to him and very sad when it paused for a while. What is the wisdom from this pause? The wisdom is that it is not the prophet’s will to bring this revelation or to stop it. It is a separate entity from the Prophet-peace be upon him.

2 – The Incident of the Slander:

 The clearest example on this issue is that when the first Lady, our mother Aysha- may Allah be pleased with her- was accused with the most important and valuable thing that a woman owns which is her chastity, the Prophet had no evidence to deny or prove this matter. He was in distress and people started to talk and spread the gossip in Madina: the first lady chastity was questioned.

"Verily! Those who brought forth the slander (against 'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) the wife of the Prophet are a group among you. Consider it not a bad thing for you. Nay, it is good for you."

[Surah 24. An-Nur, 11 ]

 Believers were truly examined, the real strong believers thought good things about the wife of their prophet and did not believe the gossip and said-as Allah says:

"Why then, did not the believers, men and women, when you heard it (the slander) think good of their own people and say: "This (charge) is an obvious lie?"

[Surah 24. An-Nur, 12 ]

 As for the hypocrites, they were interested in talking and spreading this lie. A question that could be asked, is why was the revelation late ( it stopped for about 40 days) to clear Aysha from this accusation? This is to show that the revelation is not in the Prophet’s hand and it is a separate entity from the Prophet. So if Mohammad-peace be upon him-controlled the revelation, this lie would not have spread for forty days and Aysha would be have been cleared the moment the lie started. This is to show that our religion is a religion from a revelation; So it neither a heritage nor a culture.

The responsibility of the Prophet towards his nation:

 Dear brother, it is narrated that our mother Khadija asked the Prophet to have some rest after what he had been through. He answered her with a word that whenever I mention my skin quivers. He said: the time of sleep has expired O Khadija. Do you carry the burdens of Muslims? Are you concerned with what concerns them? Does it ever occur to you to relieve them in any way? Have you ever thought of solving a man’s/girl’s problem for getting married, helping one in need, curing a sick person? Do you feel happy for Muslims when they are happy, and do you grieve when they are in grief? Or does it not concern you whatever happens to them. By Allah, if we live for ourselves and do not think of sh3er and try to solve their problems, we become worthless to Allah.

The prophet peace be upon him used to say: "If you know what I know you would’ve cried more and laughed less."

[ In Tabarani’s book Al-Kabeer and Hakim and Baihaki narrated from Abu-Addarda’]

 Because he-peace be upon him-carried the burdens of humanity. And your status to Allah is higher if you are more concerned for sh3er. Allah says:

"1. Ta-Ha.These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings.]2. We have not sent down the Qur'an unto you (O Muhammad to cause you distress,3. But only as a Reminder to those who fear (Allah)."

[Surah 20. Ta-ha, 1-3]

 This is the sacred heavy and full of distress mission.

The Second Period of the revelation after it ceased descending on the Prophet:

 The revelation started to come to Mohammad with the first verses of Quran the beginning of Iqra’- Surah-Read-is a turning point to all humanity. It turned the darkness and delusion into light and the straight way of Allah that leads to survival in this worldly life and in the hereafter.
 The Prophet says: While I was walking, I heard a sound coming from the sky. I looked up to see the Angel who appeared to me in Hira cave sitting on a chair between the earth and the sky. I was terrified that I fell on my knees. I went home and said: cover me, cover me! And they did. So Allah Almighty says in the noble Quran:

“1. O you (Muhammad enveloped (in garments)!2. Arise and warn!
3. And your Lord (Allah) magnify! 4. And your garments purify!
5. And keep away from Ar-Rujz (the idols)!”

[Surah 74. Al-Muddathir, 1-5]

  Therefore dear brother, it is proven that the revelation started to come to the Prophet-peace be upon him-on Monday during the month of Ramadan.
 Allah Almighty says:

"185. The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong)."

[Surah 2. Al-Baqara: 185)]

 The revelation that came to the Prophet Peace be upon him, was the peer of the Divine revelation to the previous prophets.. Allah Almight says:

“Verily, We have inspired you (O Muhammad) as We inspired Nuh (Noah) and the Prophets after him; We (also) inspired Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), Ya'qub (Jacob), and Al-Asbat [the twelve sons of Ya'qub (Jacob)], 'Iesa (Jesus), Ayub (Job), Yunus (Jonah), Harun (Aaron), and Sulaiman (Solomon), and to Dawud (David) We gave the Zabur (Psalms).”

[Surah 4. An-Nisa, 163]

A Muslim’s responsibility towards his relatives and those he cares about:

 Your relatives have an advantage over sh3er in that there is no barrier between you and them. For example if you were walking in the street, you wouldn’t hold someone’s hand telling him to accompany you to the mosque. But your relative, whether he’s your brother, nephew, cousin, friend, colleague, or neighbor he has a special situation that you can take advantage of your relationship with him and your trustworthiness.

" 214. And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred"

[Ash-Shu’ara, 214]

 Therefore, Allah Almighty says:

"2. Arise and warn! 3. And your Lord magnify!”

 Let them know the Glory of Allah. Say: Allah is the Great. We always say these words but make sure to say it believing in that Allah is the only one who is worth of obedience or else these words will be empty in their content and meaningless. Nonetheless, if a man says: Allah is the Great, but he obeys a creature to disobey Allah it is as if he hasn’t said it at all. If he repeats them thousands of times these words are not considered because he thinks that the obedience of this creature is worth much more than the obedience of Allah. That applies to those who obey their wives in matters that do not satisfy Allah. It applies to those who cheat sh3er and then they perform the prayers-because this man considers the amount of money that he gains for cheating people is greater in value than Allah Who is the Great.

Some of the descriptions of the revelation.

 The Prophet-peace be upon him- suffered when the revelation came to him: sweat dripped from his forehead even on the coldest day, his face would changse from exhaustion and he would have fever. Zaid Ibn Thabit said: Once we were sitting with the Prophet and I was beside him–peace be upon him-and his thigh was on mine when the revelation came to him. His thigh became very heavy that I feared that it would bruise my thigh.. He-peace be upon him-was concentrating fully to memorize the noble Quran therefore he would move his tongue and lips. Allah Almighty then said:

"16. Move not your tongue concerning (the Qur'an, O Muhammad) to make haste therewith.17. It is for Us to collect it and to give you (O Muhammad) the ability to reauthor it (the Qur'an),18. And when We have reauthord it to you [O Muhammad through Jibrael (Gabriel)], then follow you its (the Qur'an's) recital.19. Then it is for Us (Allah) to make it clear to you,"

[Surah 75.Al-Qiyama, 16-19]

 The Messenger was not only concerned about receiving the Quran from the revelation but he was very concerned in delivering what had been revealed with great passion. This is what the noble Quran showed in this verse:

"114. And be not in haste (O Muhammad) with the Qur’an before it’s revelation is completed to you, and say: “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”"

[Surah Taha, 114]

 The Prophet clarified how the revelation came to him when he said: “Sometimes it comes to me like the sound of the bell-sounded like the iron crushing with each other-and it was the hardest on me, as it goes away I am aware of what he said. And some other times the angel appears to me as a man who speaks to me and I am aware of what he says It came to him while he was awake as the authentic narrations shows, and continued delivering to the Messenger for 23 years: 13 years in The Honorable Mecca as it is well known, and 10 years in Madina as it is agreed upon.

Explanation of the Phenomenon of the Revelation

 The revelation is a miracle which is unearthly and violates the laws of nature through which the Prophet received the words of Allah which is the noble Quran by the Angel Gabriel-peace be upon him. Hence, there is no connection in any relation with the revelation by inspiration, nor internal meditation nor interior telepathy. The revelation is therefore out of the entity of Mohammad-peace be upon him-who receives it and it is without any influence from the Prophet in the composition or meaning. The noble Quran is a narrated revelation and the missions of the Prophet-peace be upon him- were to receive the revelation, remembrance of what have been revealed and then convey it. As for the explanation of it, the Prophet is the one who did that with his own way using his own words, as the authentic narration shows, which are totally different from the words of the noble Quran.
 Our religion is based on revelation which is an absolute truth. Religion is neither a tradition nor a culture; rather it is a divine revelation. Allah says:

"3.This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."

[Surah 5. Al-Ma’idah, 3]

 The scholars of elaboration said: the perfection is numeral and the completion is according to the kind. That is the number of the issues that the revelation discussed is perfect in number and the way these issues were dealt with was complete in its kind. Thus, any addition to this religion is as accusing it by deficiency and on the other hand any deletion to it is as accusing it with excess.
 We will continue the events that the Prophet-peace be upon him-went through in series in other lessons in Fiqh Al-Sira.

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