- Sermons
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- Friday Sermons
First Sermon :
Praise Be to Allah - we praise Him, we seek aid from Him, we seek guidance, and we seek from Him refuge from the evils of ourselves, and our bad deeds. It is He whom Allah guides that is on true guidance; but he whom He leaves astray, for such wilts thou find no protector to lead him to the right way. And I profess that there is no god but Allah alone, & He has no partners. And I admit His lordship, compelling this truth for those who denied Him and disbelieved in Him. And I profess that our master Muhammad, May Allah's Peace & Grace be upon him, is the messenger of Allah, the master of the created and the human race, and I keep professing that for as long as sight can be seen with an eye, for as long as news can be heard with an ear. O Allah, our Lord, have peace and blessings upon our master Mohammed, upon his folks, his companions, his descendants, and those who allied with him and followed him until the Day of Judgment. O Allah our Lord, teach us what is useful for us, and let us make use of what Thou hast taught us. O Allah and advance us in knowledge. O Allah show us righteousness as right as it is, and bless us with following it. O Allah our lord make us amongst those who listen to the Word and follow the best meaning of it, and admit us, by Thy Grace, to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants. O Allah our lord, lead us out from the depths of darkness and illusion, unto the lights of erudition and knowledge, and from the muddy shallows of lusts unto the heavens of Thy Vicinity.
Allah’s Promise to Triumph the Believers & the Discordance of reality with the conditions of this Triumph
Dear brothers, hasn’t it ever occurred to your minds, when reading many of the verses of the Qur’an that promise the believers triumph and countenance, that the reality of the Believers is contrary to what the verses are mentioning?! Examples of that are in the following verses:
(And it was due from Us to aid those who believed)
(And that our forces, they surely must conquer.)
(We will, without doubt, help Our Messengers and those who believe, in this world's life)
(Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion, the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace)
(And never will Allah grant to the Unbelievers a way (to triumph) over the Believers)
Hasn’t it ever occurred to your minds when reading these verses, that the reality of the Muslims is contrary to what the verses include?! The Lord Almighty has said:
(And never will Allah grant to the Unbelievers a way (to triumph) over the Believers)
But now they (the unbelievers) have numerous ways to triumph over us!! The Lord Almighty has said:
(And that Our forces, they surely must conquer.)
But come to the reality, it does not certify this truth!!!
Means of reconciliation between Allah’s promises to Muslims & their painful reality
O Generous Brethren, how do we reconcile between Allah's promises to the believers, and this reality we're living in that no one envies us for, knowing that the demise of the universe is lesser for Allah Almighty than not fulfilling his promised words for the believers!! By Allah, our lord (I swear) that now we are not the heirs of the land, we are not p, and we are not safe!! Everyday there is a threat, everyday there is refute to our doctrine, to our Quran - everyday we're being provoked!! For Example, 50 satellite channels broadcast a scene of a woman preaching to men!!! That is indeed a provocation that goes beyond the limits for Muslims... In the fundamentals of religion it’s not obligatory for a woman to attend Friday prayers; then, how about preaching to men!!! O dear Brethren how do you balance matters up? How do you rest assured? How do we understand these verses of Qur’an?
(And whose word can be truer than Allah's?)
(And who is more faithful to his Covenant than Allah?)
An Attempt to Understand the Reality of the Muslims & Discovering the Fault
How do we explain the reality of the Muslims?
O Generous Brethren, a quick comparison done by any sane person, between the reality of a Muslim individual living these days, and a Muslim individual who used to live in the prosperous eras of Islam, will find a vast gap and an extreme contradiction that does not even need thorough sight, or intellect to realize:
Today’s Muslim has fancier outfits, more nutritious food, and more luxurious rides, but when it comes to the spiritual aspects he has less feelings in his heart, and weaker motive. There is weakness in his faith, there is fogginess in his vision, in his certitude (of Allah Almighty), in his commitment, and there is (in his soul) avarice to what sh3er have.
O Generous Brethren, if we balance between the Islamic societies in the eras of prosperity and the societies today, we shall find that Muslims were a leading nation, not a leaded one, a followed nation not a following one, a moving nation not a moved one, a nation with an upper hand (generous and giving), not with a lower hand (waiting for charity). It was the nation of fairness and justice. It is a nation that owned prestigious titles that settled properly in its locations; it was never fake like a wild cat falsely bragging to a raid of a lion, or as a camel that turned into She-Camel, or as a vulture pretending to be an eagle, and it never reached a level where it was hit from the core of its standards.
As it was mentioned in the trace:
“How shall you be when the right is wrong and the wrong is right?”
O Dear generous Brethren, add to that when the preposterous ones speak, we find youngsters given big titles, as if they were huge scientists & men of knowledge!! Since when was the person who tells poetry a physician, since when is a person who has very ordinary job considered to be top in ingenuity and science?!! That’s the story of the big titles, the high certificates, the luxurious appearances; however the inner content is weak, in a state of retardation, in dispute, in impotency.
O generous Brethren, for all that, our pains have become numerous; the injuries were reopened, and the forbidden lines were crossed, so as a result societies pealed their own injuries within their embedded pholds, and terror was cast into the hearts of its children.
The Prophet Peace Be Upon him used to say:
(I was triumphed by Horror, from a month-walk distance)
And when his nation (of the prophet peace be upon him) left Allah’s way and method, and left the terms of the Qur’an, it was defeated with horror from a year-walk distance.
O Generous Brethren, the nation, is approached by death, and it’s not palatable. Death surrounds it from everywhere. The nation is driven compulsively towards surrender and penury. It’s being inauthord by the enemies of Islam with fury, the nation compulsively admits subjugation and surrender that its rights are not righteous, and the falsehoods of the sh3er are right, and they are admitting all that with fear and reluctance.
This is the bitter truth that we must accept, not bypass but face. Always make sure the truth is your purpose in life. This painful reality of Muslims puts them in a state of frustration, in a state of weakness. And I swear by the only and one God Allah, that I’m not pessimistic, but for there to be triumph and excellence, an exorbitant price is due, and it us who pay this price.
O Generous Brethren, the situation that is happening these days – it hasn’t arrived suddenly, it wasn’t a mutation that was not preceded by signals, but it was a normal result for an old prolonged fault. It is not strange that we are who we are now, for there were always introductions that led to such results. But what is absolutely strange, is that the nation poses all kinds of questions to its own ears, then never get alerted or guided to righteousness. Thousands of questions!! Thousands of exclamations!! But at the end it never gets guided to the right path!!
Dear Brethren, true heroism is to be brave, to let go of the nation’s concerns. You as an individual should feel what you suffer, you must specify all sorts of problems, you must think of solutions for them, and you must plan. You have to raise yourself up from where you stand now, and you have to infuse success amongst those who surrounds you.
Dear Brethren, it is known with certitude that Allah hath inscribed for Himself triumph for his messengers, and for his supported-ones, and when the word "كتب", (translated as “inscribed”) comes in a verse, this is a type of certainty, for Allah wants to reassure us:
(Allah has decreed: "It is I and My Messengers who must prevail)
Allah Hath decreed to triumph His messengers and believers, and if He did not, then we would be in big trouble. O Generous Brethren, for the second time:
(But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts: soon, then will they face Destruction,)
And we have faced this destruction. Dear Brethren, knowledgeable men of religion have agreed that missing prayers does not mean leaving them, but it means emptying them from their meanings, for not every prayer is a prayer:
(The Following is a Hadeeth)
[(For I Allah) I only accept prayers from he who humbled himself to My greatness, and did not harm My created beings, and never passed a night insisting on disobeying Me, and spent his day-time mentioning My Name, and had mercy on the indigent, wayfarers, the widow, and the injured. This servant of mine has a light that is like the light of the sun. I sustain him with My might, and I have My angels protecting him. At the times of Darkness I give him light; at the time of ignorance, I give him patience. His example amongst My created, is like a paradise in the heavens.]
Treatment Methods
Working on the following is a must:
First: Tightening the Bond with Allah Almighty through Righteousness
So: as the first working sheet, we have to tighten the bond with Allah Almighty, and I’m going to tell you a stark truth: we can not tighten our bond with Allah Almighty unless we straighten ourselves to his orders:
Allah Almighty Has said:
(It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit,)
The one who brought a lowly spirit towards Allah Almighty, and straightened himself upon His orders, and allowed his soul to be lead to His Method & Doctrine, will find practicing prayers as smooth as it can be. But, if he didn’t straighten himself upon His orders, and refused to surrender himself to His method & Doctrine, then he shall find practicing prayers so heavy.
So, the first working sheet we should follow is to strengthen our bond with Allah Almighty, and to establish the prayers with deep meaning. I do not mean by that to say “Allah’u Akbar Allah’u Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest), but it means to set a prior straightness before the prayer so that when its due time arrives, you trustfully feel that Allah is pleased with you. But if there were certain crossings, omissions, derelictions, using from Haram (forbidden resources of wealth), false oaths, allowing your eyes to wander, forbidden mingling, and tricking people by tickling their feelings, then when you attempt to pray you will find a barrier between you and Allah Almighty.
So the first worksheet to follow is tightening and strengthening the bond with Allah Almighty, for fasting is for the purpose of praying, Hajj is for the purpose of praying, Zakah is for the purpose of praying, and the word of monotheism is for the purpose of praying. And the prayer itself is for the purpose of linkage and bond.
Secondly: Abandoning lusts and repairing the hearts
O Dear Brethren, the second work sheet to follow:
Allah Almighty Has said:
(But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts: soon, then will they face Destruction,)
And it was mentioned in the holy Qur’an as well:
(The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, **"But only he (will prosper) that brings to Allah a sound heart)
What is a sound heart? What does it mean? What’s its definition? Well, it’s the heart that doesn’t desire a lust that doesn’t please Allah Almighty. The sound heart is the heart that doesn’t accept news that contradicts Allah’s revelation; a sound heart is the heart that refuses to be judged by any legislation but Allah’s legislation; a sound heart is a heart that only worships Allah.
Second sheet: to repair our hearts by drawing near to Allah Almighty, to tighten our bond through righteousness before praying, and to tighten this bond with good deeds that allow our relation with Allah Almighty to prosper.
Thirdly: Understanding the religion in a matter that pleases Allah Almighty
O Generous Brethren, the bitter truth that comes next is in the following Verse:
(That He will establish in authority their religion, the one which He has chosen for them)
If Allah Almighty does not establish this religion in authority for us, then what is the interpretation of this verse? Allah has promised to strengthen and establish this religion in authority, so if He didn’t then this would mean that He has not chosen it with acceptance for us. This previous interpretation is wrong, and our dealing with this conception is wrong as well. We take from it what suits us, and neglect & ignore what requires effort and hardship.
O Generous Brethren, the most dangerous approach is the selective approach, to take what you like, and to neglect and ignore what you don’t like. This selective approach corresponds with the benefits of mankind, with his desires and his lusts, for he in this case doesn’t worship Allah, but he worships himself. That’s why when it seems that Allah Almighty has not established this religion for us in authority, it is due to our understanding of the religion that does not please Allah Almighty, and our implementation of this religion that doesn’t please Allah Almighty, and the way in which we deal with this religion that does not please Allah Almighty too.
(That He will establish in authority their religion, the one which He has chosen for them)
The establishment in authority of this religion is conditioned with the following attribute:
(That He will establish in authority their religion)
What religion Has Allah promised to establish & authorize? The answer is in the following phrase:
(The one which He has chosen for them)
So: the third working sheet is to reconsider our perceptions about the universe, life, mankind, and the truth of this religion.
The necessity of associating knowledge with deeds
O Generous Brethren, once I had to give a speech, and the occasion was extremely painful & tragic. I said to myself: “You can stand up as a preacher, speak the most literate language, bring the most correct evidences, analyze with the deepest analysis, and amaze people with your speech, and gain admiration for your statements, whilst in the truth you absolutely don’t know Allah!!”
You know Him (Allah Almighty), if you straighten yourself upon His orders; you know Him if you fear Him; you know Him if you certify that yourself is within His hand; you know Him if you know that He knows All, that He will judge, and that He will punish. That’s why it was said before:
(Leaving a Daneque (Sixth of a Dirham, or a very tiny amount of money) obtained through forbidden resources (Haram) is better than doing pilgrimage (Hajj) eighty times after Islam).
O Generous Brethren,
(Which of (us) two parties hath more right to security? (Tell me) if ye know.
It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong - that are (truly) in security, for they are on (right) guidance.
I've said that to you repeatedly: if justice is combined with disbelieving (in Allah Almighty), life can be set in order, but it never is with faith (in Allah Almighty) & injustice. The system of this life is so special - one who manages it well, and achieve justice in it, will take hold of it, for if you pay the price to own any place or thing, you will own it eventually. And I absolutely don't praise the other’s side, but yet I can't bear to suffer injustice at my home, the market, or in dividing money & wealth in an unjust manner. Dear Brethren, a very precise truth:
(That He will establish in authority their religion, the one which He has chosen for them)
This religion will never be established unless Allah Has chosen it. It is after all His religion, so how can He not choose it?! Hence what Allah hasn't chosen for us is our understanding of this religion. How would you describe a person who has a swimming pool open for both sexes and has in it a celebrating ceremony for the birth of the prophet, peace be upon him, where invitees are invited, speeches are given, odes are chanted, and praises are given to the carrier of the ceremony, whilst the swimming people is open (mixed) for both sexes???!!!
Dear Brethren, the cards are mixed nowadays - in the most perverse and low places you find veiled Muslim girls!! What kind of veil (Hijab / Head & Body Cover) is this?! Are these the proper places for such girls to be?! How is that? They are all places of sins and disobediences. Are our homes Islamic in the first place?
(That He will establish in authority their religion, the one which He has chosen for them)
Unless Allah is pleased with our understanding of this religion, our implementation of it, and the way we project it, then He shall never establish it for us in authority. I wouldn't call that pessimism, but yet it's the bitter truth which is one thousand times better than a relaxing illusion.
O Generous Brethren, the following is very delicate: Allah has certain rules and practices that are irreplaceable, unchangeable, and unmodifiable. Such cannot be inoperative, omitted, nor developed. First of all, you have to establish and implement Islam within yourself, secondly at your home, then thirdly at your work until Allah is pleased with you. You may have a vast Islamic intellectual background whilst you're a specialist physician as well, but at the end your patient is only concerned with your medical knowledge, not with how committed you are to religious terms. Actually in any profession, the only criteria of measuring efficiency is the knowledge you possess in it, except in religion for there always has to be credibility to what you say and what you do.
O Generous Brethren, setting a good example is almost the most effective element in Islamic calling. Setting a good example precedes the calling to Islam, performing good deeds precedes giving a good speech, contents precedes titles, and principles precede figures. This is the truth of calling to Allah Almighty.
The Divine Law of Change:
One more thing, Allah Almighty Has said:
Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)
We the Muslims have changed our methods & doctrines at a period of time; we've started importing methods and ways of the east and ended with the ones of the west. And, no matter how much we import from these man-made doctrines, it will only make us more backwards, more frustrated, and more desperate. The correct thing to do is to change from the inside, not to bring sh3er' systems and policies from the east or west.
(Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls))
If we don't change our conditions, then Allah will not allow us to change our status as a result, even if we ask Him day & night. If we do everything frivolously (superficially) without a change from within, then Allah shall not change our status.
Facing the Cunning (Plots) of the Enemies, With Patience & Piety (Righteousness)
O Generous Brethren,
So that we don't get frustrated, (for the Muslims are frustrated now): no matter how our enemy got per, or even got so creative in producing weapons, whether it was an atomic bomb, a nuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb, a fission bomb, a smart bomb, a cluster bomb, or even incinerating penetrative bombs, up to satellites, battleships, aircraft carriers, or even sea-carried cities that cross the high waves…..
Allah Almighty Says:
(Mighty indeed were the plots which they made, but their plots were (well) within the sight of Allah, even though they were such as to shake the hills!)
What a Great God Allah is, and yet He describes their plots as being of such might that could shake the hills. Allah Almighty says as well:
(Never think that Allah would fail his messengers in His promise)
O Generous Brethren, despite all these forces, all this arrogance, all this superiority, and this haughtiness in the land from our enemies, I testify before Allah that the salvation of the Muslims is in one Verse that contains two words:
(But if ye are constant and do right, not the least harm will their cunning do to you)
All the enemies' preparation is mentioned in the following Verse:
(The Unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder (men) from the path of Allah, and so will they continue to spend; but in the end they will have (only) regrets and sighs; at length they will be overcome: and the Unbelievers will be gathered together to Hell.)
And when Allah Himself takes hold of taking revenge on them, then the signs are countless. When God Himself intervenes directly in deterring them, then the signs of that are innumerable and uncountable.
O Generous Brethren, allow me to say this word to you, and perhaps it's harsh as well:
(Doing the wrong combined with being constant is a doomed way to the grave)
Since it's a means to get conquered until death arrives.
(But on the other hand doing the right with being constant is a direct way to triumph)
(But if ye are constant and do right, not the least harm will their cunning do to you)
I Swear by Allah that the demise of the universe is lesser for Allah Almighty than not fulfilling the content of these verses. These are the words of the Creator of the universe, the words of the Lord who if He decrees a matter He says to it “Be” and it is. The words of He Who manages the Universe.
The Hidden Polytheism is a reason for Forlornness & Defeat
Allah Almighty said:
(No just estimate have they made of Allah, such as is due to Him: On the Day of Judgment the whole of the earth will be but His handful, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand)
(It is He Who is Allah in heaven and Allah on earth)
(They have no protector other than Him; nor does He share His Command with any person whatsoever)
(And to Him goeth back every affair (for decision): then worship Him, and put thy trust in Him)
These are the truths of Monotheism.
(So call not on any other god with Allah, or thou wilt be among those under the Penalty)
One of the biggest reasons for penalty is the hidden polytheism that the Muslims have fallen into. I don't say the obvious polytheism but the hidden polytheism, for it was mentioned before in the trace:
(The most which I fear upon my nation is the hidden polytheism. I'm not saying you shall worship an idol or a stone but rather a hidden lust where deeds are not done for the sake of Allah)
Role of the individuals in triumphing the Nation
One of you might say: we, the visitors of the mosque & its congregants, what can we do?
Well, you can do everything! It is enough for you to establish Islam at your home, at your work, and for you to be, along with your Muslim brother, a head start to the power of Muslims.
I swear by Allah, a little child, I think in elementary school, asked me after one of the lessons, "What can I do?" I told him: "Study well and work hard, and obtain excellent scores, for your excellence in your study is the biggest favor you can give to your Muslim nation".
Dear Brethren, be aware of the commentator’s resentful negative attitude that keeps watching and tracking news while standing still, and not contributing in solving a problem, nor helping a youngster to get married, even if he owns multiple millions, while the youth are on the verge of perversity!! And the young women are not being proposed to for marriage anymore - then the young women get depressed, and start to show their adornments with the hope of getting married.
O Generous Brethrens, there exist some people who stand still & do nothing, who are a burden on the Muslims: speaking, criticizing, analyzing, interpreting, commenting, and who have correct point of views, but yet they do nothing!!
I swear by the only one God Allah, that I sincerely wish for us to stop all this talking completely, for Islam has been transformed into a vocal phenomenon and nothing more. It’s like an audio recorder that was set to the highest volume, and then suddenly the cable was unplugged. What will happen? Everything shall be silenced…this is the Islam today. That’s why every one of you dear brethren must have charge & holds responsibility for your own soul.
“An Arabic phrase of poetry”
Start with yourself and forbid it from doing the Wrong…
And what a wise man you are, if it obeys you and goes along…
Anyhow, if a person has adhered to the orders of Allah, but yet the plural victory was not fulfilled, then he is saved from the ordeal of this life, and the penalty of the afterlife. This person has indeed done what was due on him. Never mind the results, just hold fast to the orders of Allah, and never think of how small the sin you’re about to do is, but rather think of the greatness of He whom you’ve dared to disobey.
O Generous Brethren, this topic is full of tragedy, and many are our miseries, and great are the dangers that are surrounding us, and the biggest enemy is stalking to trap us with woes, and creatively attempting to harm us.
O Generous Brethren, I used to say: our relationship with our enemies resembles a wolf that has met a lamb in a bathroom where there are slabs & water, and no sign of dust. Suddenly the wolf accuses the lamb of throwing dust over him, and the lamb replies: “What dust?! There is only water here & slabs, no dust at all!! Why don’t you step on and devour me!!” And it’s over.
The word of the enemies has no basis or origin. It is full of fabrication and hidden truths.
I ask from Allah Almighty, to protect our country from every bad and every harm, and to protect it from scattering, dispersion and dissemination.
O Generous Brethren, we are in an urgent need to hold fast to Allah Almighty, in an urgent need to repair our souls, and repair those around us.
I do say what I have said, and I ask Allah Almighty for me and for you, forgiveness, so ask for His forgiveness and He shall forgive you. What a triumph it is if you’re amongst those who ask for forgiveness. I do herby ask Allah for forgiveness.
Second Sermon:
Praise Be to Allah the Lord of the worlds, and I profess that there is no true god but Allah the protector of the good fellows, and I profess that our master Muhammad is His servant and His messenger, who indeed has sublime morality. O Allah our lord Have Thy prayers, Thy peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad and upon all his folks and companions.
Armoring our children with Knowledge and Faith
O Generous Brethren, we are at the commencement of a new school year, and there is almost no home that doesn’t have students, whether they are in their primary stages, elementary, secondary, or even college & university stages.
O Generous Brethren, Allah Almighty says:
(Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power)
Nowadays, the strength of science is the most premiere strength. Those who have studied hard for the last two hundred years and were superiors in every aspect, are the ones controlling the world right now. As a result they forced their own illicitness and perversion on the people of the world. The evidence for that can be found when you go up mount Qassioun (the highest point in Damascus), and look below at the roofs, and see what’s on them... (satellites)
This is the cultural invasion. I used to say all the time that back in the conventional wars they used to force us by armed force to do what they wanted us to do, but now they have chosen a more lethal weapon, but not of an expense; they’ve chosen the woman to be this lethal weapon. Now they are compelling us with the tender force to want what they want.
O Generous Brethren, knowledge is a must, and faith is a must too. That’s why our children today are the only winning card in our hands. You must armor your children with knowledge and faith, and never be deceived by the illusion that says “knowledge alone is enough”, for your child might have the knowledge but yet be a disbeliever or even a libertine. You have to armor your children with knowledge and faith together.
O Generous Brethren, I will give you an example that I repeat a lot, which is the eye. If you have your eyes examined at an optometrist’s, and the result is twenty-twenty vision, it is completely worthless in a dark room where a blind person and a sighted one are equal, regardless of how precise its sight is. Without a light intermediating between it and the objects, it’s worthless. Well compare the eye to the power of sense; this sense can never reach a proper problem solution without the revelation of Allah intermediating between it and the problems, so if a person was sufficient with his sense by itself but he disbelieved in the divine revelation from the sky, then he starts to fabricate lies upon Allah Almighty. Hear what Allah Almighty says:
(For he thought and he plotted; *And woe to him! How he plotted! *Yea, Woe to him; How he plotted!*Then he looked round;*Then he frowned and he scowled;*Then he turned back and was haughty;*Then said he: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old;*"This is nothing but the word of a mortal!"*Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire!*And what will explain to thee what Hell-Fire is?*Naught doth it permit to endure, and naught doth it leave alone!)
So as light acts as an intermediate between the eye and the objects, so is Allah’s revelation. It intermediates between the human sense and the problems. Problems are never solved without the light of the divine revelation from the sky. That is the truth that is absent from a lot of the intellectual minds. A truth based on an approach imported from the east at one time, and from the west at another, is eventually going to be extremely declined and refuted. Wasn’t the west civilization itself before the 11th of September events the fully heard and viewed civilization? Then what has happened to it? Well, it became a tyrannous force, and the west has fallen down as a civilization. Hasn’t the time come to return to Allah’s way in which He has given us mightiness? For how long shall we keep importing the west’s doctrines and theories?
Our Children, the last winning card in our hands
O Generous Brethren, we are in the most urgent need of our children, or else how shall we face the atomic bomb? I answered once this question saying: “With the offspring bomb”. Our children are our basic fund. They are a winning card in our hands. Prepare for them good atmospheres, help them in seeking cognition & science, make them great figures in the future, and perhaps someday the nation will rise up again by them. Never underestimate your child, for he might become a big scientist, a big conciliator, or an Islamic caller. But what a big crime it is -I say - for the sake of the child to respond to his will if he does not succeed in his studies, and to permit him to quit school, thus making him ignorant. The child always leans towards comfort and easiness. So, be aware if you find out your child suffers from difficulties in learning, to set your mind free and allow him to quit school and push him to work, where his work patron will have control over him, and might take advantage of him in an ugly way. Your child is your provision towards Allah. Your child is your greatest deed, your child is your best earning, and the school year is about to begin, so we must take care of our children. This is a message to you. Allah Almighty said:
(Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power)
They have made ready their strength, but we haven’t made ready anything in return.
The Closing Prayer (Do’aa)
O Allah our lord, guide us along with those whom Thou hast guided; recover us from the sicknesses of our bodies and hearts along with those whom Thou hast recovered; take care of us along with those whom Thou hast taken care of; spread Thy blessings upon that which Thou hast given us; shield us and direct away from us the rigor of what Thou hast judged, for Thou our lord Allah, always judge with righteousness and never be’st Thou judged. Never is he humiliated whom thou hast protected, and never is he honored whom thou hast opposed. Blessed be our Lord and exalted above Thou be’st. Praise be to Thou upon what Thou hast judge. We ask for Thy forgiveness, and repent to Thou.
O Allah our Lord, guide us to the good of the deeds, for no one guides to the best of them but Thou. O Allah our Lord, guide us to the best of ethics, for no one guides us to the best of them but Thou.
O Allah our Lord correct our way of practicing Thy religion that is our protection from all our matters. Reform our life in this world, where our survival is, reform our Hereafter life, whereupon we shall be returned. Make this life a reason for incrementing every good, and make death a release for us from every evil, for Thou be’st our Patron, our Overlord of the worlds.
O our Lord, sustain us with Thy lawful so that we don’t attempt Thy forbidden, by obeying Thee so we don’t disaccord Thy will, and withThy Grace so we don’t ask anyone but Thou.
O Our Lord Allah, have Thy Peace & Thy prayers upon our master Muhammad the illiterate prophet and upon his folks and companions.