- Sermons
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- Friday Sermons
The first sermon:
Muslims misunderstanding of the reasons of backwardness:
Dearest brother, our master Hothayfa was asking the prophet (PBUH) about the evil, saying
“The people were asking the prophet (PBUH) about goodness, and I was asking him about the badness in order not to do it.”
It is another kind of question, another way in the invite to the way to Allah. In fact, we need to know the negative points that the Muslims live in order to stay away from them, and to be aware of, you can see and hear that the Muslims are in a huge trauma, so what's wrong then? It is in our misunderstanding to the reasons of backwardness, or the misunderstanding to the backwardness that we live; thus, misunderstanding doubles the very wrong and increases the faults.
Dear brother, it is constant that what happens to you affects you in a rate of 10%, which means that the heart-breaking events such as traumas, sufferings, agonies all affect us in our lives no more than 10%, but our wrong reactions affect us in the rate of 90%, so..It is not heroic –actually- not to be plagued with any bad fortune, but heroism is to take the perfect stance in front of them. The biggest plague we would have shall affect us in the rate of 10%, the rest 90% is caused by our non-probed stances.
To understand the plague is a part of the faith
Dear brother, the fact real problem is that the reactions, the good understanding of the plague, patience, and the rational stance are what would reduce this affliction, ِAlmighty Allah does not like us to have a bad conception about Him, instead the good perception about Allah would be rewarded with heaven, every negative side in our lives has a very deep wisdom in it, whether we know that or not, thus, if you would know the deep wisdom of the affliction, you would have thus passed four fifth of the road to Allah, so, the biggest adversity for man is not to have the right stance before it, or that the biggest adversity to man is not to understand anything about it, this is why the camels are tied or set out without them knowing why they were tied nor why they were let loose.
To understand the trauma is a part of your faith, Almighty Allah says:
(( whatever disaster that strikes you is caused by your deeds and-Allah- forgives a lot of people.))
There is no disaster that strikes without a sin that caused it, and it is not lifted without a repentance, and he who did not learn a lesson because of his trauma has a greater distaster in himself, the real wisdom lies when you inquire when a disaster hits you: and why did that happen, what's wrong..Where is my mistake.. What wrong did I commit..What sins have I made...? Where is the oppression and gore?
Allah says:
“ If you all from the first who were created till the last ones, that includes the human kind and the jinns, were in one land, and everyone asks Me -his needs-, I would give everyone what he asked Me and that would not lessen my realm but like a cloth which is dipped into the sea, for My bestow is a word-be and it is- and My prohibition is a word-Be not-, and it will be not and it shall vanish- so, he who finds goodness let him praise Almighty Allah, and he who finds otherwise shall not blame but himself.”
Also Allah says:
“ I, the human beings and jinns are in a grave issue, for I am who creates and sh3er are worshipped, and I give sustenance and sh3er are thanked, I send down goodness to My slaves and their evilness rises up to Me, I draw close to them with My graces while I don’t need them, and they recompense Me with hatred Me while they do need Me, he who repents from them is received by Me from the remote, and he who withdraws far from Me I shall call him from near, he who admits that there is no god but I is he who I always mention, always love, always thank, always I give, always I give more, and they who do not obey Me I do not deprive of My mercy, if they repent I shall be their beloved, and if they did not I shall be their healer, I send afflictions to them to purify them from the sins and faults, the good deed is counted ten fold by Me or more, the bad deed is counted one by Me e and I forgive, and I am more merciful to My slave than a mother to her child.”
Enjoining good and forbidding evil is why this nation is good:
Dear brother, we are in a deadlock if we did not go in the way of faith to Allah, and if we did not move according to the way of Allah, and if we did not Endeavour to satisfy Allah, and if the heaven is not our greatest aim..
So, when Almighty Allah described this nation which was chosen by the message of the Prophet (pbuh) He Almighty said:
(( You were the best nation ever came to humanity.))
And why is that?
(( For you order the good deeds and inhibit evil, and believe in Allah.))
This is why this nation is good, so, if we did not order the good deeds and order not to do otherwise, and we did not believe in Allah, thus, we are no more a good nation, and we shall be like any nation that went astray from the road to Allah, the proof of this is this verse from the Quran which describes how we are now:
(( The Jews and Christians said: we are the sons of Allah and the ones He loves, say- to them-: so why does He torture you for your sins? You are mere humans He created.))
This means that Allah did not accept their claims, otherwise He would not torture them, thus, Imam Shafe'e concluded that Allah does not torture the one He loves.
(( Say- to them-: so why does He tortures you for your sins? You are mere humans He created.))
This is to know, dear Muslim and dear Arab..if you do not go straight in the obedience of Allah, thus you shall have no rights from Allah, neither you nor anyone from any other nation:
(( You are humans He created.))
The reasons of our weakness and backwardness:
Dear brother…the question is: where is the fault? Where are the points of weakness? What is hindering our progress? What prevents the promises of Allah to be accomplished to us?
There are several reasons, amongst them is the absence of the Islamic consciousness..who are you? You are a Muslim..you belong to the best nation, you are from a nation that was chosen By Allah to receive the best message, so, some of the problem that we live is the loss of the Islamic identity, the absence of the signs of the road to Allah, and the absence of the effective means to satisfy almighty Allah.
Dear brother…I am not talking about a certain Islamic community, I am talking about the Islamic communities in general.
The critical point is the contradiction between our factual status and the way it should be, that we should be the best nation which came to humanity…which is the reason we are good.
(( For you order the good deeds and inhibit evil, and believe in Allah.))
There are some criterions, if we apply these criterions on ourselves, we would find that the result is that we are not the best nation which came to humanity.
(( The Jews and Christians said: we are the sons of Allah and the ones he loves, say- to them-: so why does He torture you for your sins? You are mere humans He created.))
If the Muslims would say: we are the best nation came to the humanity, the Devine reply would be:
(( So why does He torture you for your sins? You are mere humans He created.))
Who will receive Allah’s promises?
Dearest brother, get yourself to that the bitter truth is better than the nice illusion, don’t live in illusions, and do not talk about the past of this nation.
(( That is a past nations, they shall have for what they did and you shall have for what you do.))
If we were like the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) the flags of Muslims would be high in the horizons.
Dear bsh3er..Abdullah Bin Rawaha is the poet of the Prophet (pbuh) he was mandated by the Prophet to evaluate the dates of the Jews as a comply to the agreement between the Prophet and them, they tempted him with their wives’ gold and jewels of as a bribe, he said" I am honest to Allah that I came from the most lovable one to me, but I detest you as much as I detest the monkeys and pigs, nevertheless I shall not be unfair to you" the Jews said " this is how heavens and earth were erected, and this is how you defeated us"
Is it enough to be proud of the history of this nation to win? Never! if you do not apply the Sharia of Prophet (pbuh), and if you do not respect what Allah prohibited, you, thus, shall get nothing from the promises of Allah who is the great God.
It is better to Allah that the universe would vanish than Allah not to fulfill his promises to the believers.
Muslims changed their value so they became weak:
Dear brother..the reason why this nation is good is to order good and prohibit evil, the Prophet (pbuh )said:
“ How would it be if you did not order good and prohibit evil, they said: and is that going to happen, Prophet of Allah? He said: and worse is to happen, they said: and what is worse than that? He said: and how would it be if you order evil and prohibit good? They said: and is that going to happen, Prophet of Allah? He said: worse is to happen, they said: and what would it be? He said: How would it be if is evil is considered good and good is counted evil?”
Peoples’ values have changed, for he who seeks to lead the sh3er to believe is accused of being mentally ill, they might say: why would you interfere in their own affairs? Care for your own business, and enjoy life. Thus, the verse that a poet said is considered the most bitter verse in satire, and the poet was sent to jail in the era when Omar was the Khalifa, what did he say:
Let the virtues, don’t go to seek them
And sit still for you are having your food and garments
This is the most bitter verse of poems, and now it is the slogan of every Muslim, but how?
The prophet says:
“ Twelve thousand men) are not going to be defeated because they are few.”
Nowadays, the Muslims are one billion and five hundred millions they count for nothing for Allah, for their affairs are not within their hands, this is a bitter fact, and we do need the bitter facts sometimes, we count nothing in the world and the other part has thousands and thousands of means against us, for instance: there are 5 Islamic states under occupation now.
One should balance offering his needs and achieving his values:
Dear brother, Almighty Allah says:
(( Thus, we made you a moderate nation.))
Our religion is about being moderate, it we look after this world and the heavens, in this religion the best one of you is not he who lets this world for the sake of heavens nor he who lets the heavens for this world, but it is to take care of both of them, for the first is the way for the second.
Someone may consider that sh3er are infidels then he does suicide attacks, which is extremism, or he might seek to have an indecent life, which is another kind of extremism,
But the religion is to gather both of this world and the afterlife, between the needs of the body and soul, and between to seek to offer your needs and achieve your values.
So, Allah says:
(( Thus, we made you a moderate nation.))
Cooperation with the sh3er is a mark of faith:
Dear brother, the very nature of a human being is individualistic, but the duty is common, Almighty Allah said:
(( And cooperate on the good deeds and faith.))
Thus, a man Should cooperate with his brother as much as he obeys Allah, but he competes with him otherwise, so when you see the Muslims as groups and sects who shed the blood of each other and accuse each other, then, you should know that they went far from Allah. The sign of your faith is to cooperate with your brother, and the sign of being far from Allah is to compete with him, so do cooperate and never compete.
Allah says:
(( And be not like they who forgot Allah thus he made them forget themselves.))
Time is the most valuable thing man would ever have:
Dear brother, time is the most precious thing a man owns, for the time is you, you are but several days, then when some days pass, some of you also diminishes, but the cheapest thing in the life of the Muslims nowadays is the time, and what they hate most is work, now..the Muslim evaluated sh3er and allocates charges on sh3er, -sarcastically- he is in a high place and he says that this is wrong and this is not, while he offered nothing.
By the way, there is a person who never errs and we all love him, he is the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him, and there is someone who never errs but we should all hate him, he is the one who never works and he who does not work never errs! He does nothing, he just evaluates, observes and accuses, and does not work. What did he offer? If a book was composed he criticizes it, and a project succeeds he criticizes it, but what did he offer this nation? Someone made a mistake.. but what did you present for this nation. He offered nothing. He sits and judges people, or passes accusations to sh3er, someone are following the Sunnah (way of the Prophet Peace be upon him, and sh3er are innovators. but what have you achieved in the first place?
He who does not care for human life is so weak:
Dear bsh3er, as we mention the bitter facts, we should know that the human being is the most precious thing in our lives, and he might be the cheapest as well, man should live, should bring up his children well, he should have a domicile, and a fair wage, for when we don’t pay attention to the life of the human being we are thus in a severe weakness, unfortunately, when you go to a western country you find that social solidarity is at the highest level, and he who has no job receives a wage sufficient for food and clothes. The human being is dignified to Allah, so, if we do not respect the human being in terms of dignity and food we should not expect anything from him…give the man food and dignity and expect good results.
Adding to the religion leads to weakness and frictions:
Dear brother..we are a nation that does not read, although the first word of the of the first verse of the first Surah of the Quran-to the prophet- was: ‘Read’, for this reason we are named by some other nations as the Read-Nation, that was in the past ages, but now…we are that nation of Dance!
I travelled to an Islamic country in Africa, I could not believe what I saw, their TV channel is dedicated for singing and dancing, there was no religious talks and no calls to Allah.
When a nation heads to vote to one out of two singers in two Muslim countries a 86 million phone calls were received, while the two countries of them is not more than 25 million inhabitants, a 86 million calls for two singers shows that this is not a nation that reads, it rather sings.
Dear brother, we innovated in the religion things that were not in it and we followed the sh3er in this world, the right thing is to innovate in this world such as providing residences for our young generation, to provide jobs for them, so we have to really be creative about our Life in this world and to follow in the religion, what we did was that we made additions to what should not be added to (which is the religion). when we omit one of the branches of knowledge in the religion we shall be weak by necessity, we cancelled Jihad and then we became weak, and when we made additions to the religion we became several sects, and we struggled against each other…keep in mind those two words: if we add to the religion what is not in it we will be weak, and if we omit a branch of knowledge from it we shall be weak, by omitting you become weak and with fractions you become weak, this is a fixed religion from Allah that we should apply like we received, Almighty Allah says:
(( It is He who created death and life to test you, who shall do best of you.))
This means that this test is to rate the successful ones, not to know who shall pass or not, because the real aim is to pass.
The value of man to Allah is the value of his good deeds:
Dear brother, the value of the human being is his deeds, your value to Allah is the value of your good deeds:
(( Aand the good deeds He lifts -to Him.))
The value of man is what he does best, for this reason Allah says:
(( And every –nation- has ranks for what they have done.))
The greatest danger for man is not to belong to the nation:
Dear bsh3er…as much as we need for one who dies for the sake of this nation-as a fixed truth- but what we need more is one who lives for the sake of it. Do you care for the nation? Do you look for a specialization that benefits it? Do you want to be a reason of making it stronger? Do you belong to it? The gravest thing is not to belong to it, so what does the belonging mean? And what is its replacement? It is to belong to someone…if you were in a beautiful field but it is not yours, while you carry an electric tree saw…you see an apple tree which all of its fruits were reaped except for one big and delicious one, the one who saw it has an electric saw, so he cuts the tree to have the apple…this is found in the back warded communities where its individuals do not belong to the nation, therefore an old factory which has been retired since 30 years might be purchased for a high commission, he who did that does not care for the nation but he cares for his personal interests, and this is the worst matter in a nation; that a person loses the belonging to the nation and cares only about oneself, this nation needs the one who lives for it's sake, like who studies hard to be an expert in it, instead of utilizing foreign experts.
Another thing…it has been said that Allah sent the angels to uproot a village, the angels said: oh Allah, there is a good person named Saleh (his name in Arabic means the good man,) in it, Allah said: start with him, they said: Why O Lord/- He is good but he does not make reforms. r He said: Because his face did not frown when he was watching the vices.
…..belongs to himself, so it is not about being good but it is about ordering good, for instance, your niece comes with non modest clothes, and you may think that you have nothing to do with that, you only care about receiving her, and welcoming her and tightening the relation with her, but you don’t advise her, so if we did not ordain the good and prohibit bad deeds we are no more good people, this is why Almighty Allah said:
(( And be aware of an astray comes to those who did bad amongst you.))
Zainab Bint Jahsh (the spouse of the Prophet pbuh) said:
The Prophet PBUH said:
“ There is no god but Allah, Woe to the Arabs of an evil that will come soon, today a hole from Yajooj anj maajouj was opened - and made a gesture with the thumb and pointing finger- zainab said: O Messenger of Allah, are we going to be finished while there are some good people among us? He said: yes, if the bad deeds became more and more.”
Sometimes man does not practice what he preaches., he might boost with his words not deeds, and his deeds do not back his words, this is why the Prophet (pbuh) caught the hand of Ibn Masoud-which was rough from work- and said: this is a hand that Allah and His Prophet love.
And he said as well:
“ If the day of judgment comes and one is catching an offset, so he must plant it.”
Contradiction between words and deeds:
There is a negative phenomenon, that is the contradiction between the words of the Muslims and their deeds.
Allah said:
(( Oh believers, why do you say what you don’t do? It is of a great repugnance to Allah that you say what you don’t do.))
To speak is easy, but to do is hard, everyone can talk eloquently about morals and values, but when you deal with him or travel with him, you may be shocked that his words are different than his deeds.
The community of consumption and corruption:
Dear brother, about the community of consumption and corruption, Omar Bin Al-Khattab visited a town, he saw most of the economical activities in the hands of non Muslims, so he rebuked them very much, they said-as the wealthy Muslims now would say-they are harnessed to us…I swear, dear brother, that Omar knew the reality of how the nation was going to be after 1400 years..nowadays dear brother, the producer is strong and the consumer is weak, the producer is exploiting the consumer, for he who produces the machine would sell it for 1000 times its cost…to refurbish an aircraft engine costs 5 million dollars, thus 4 engines cost 20 million dollars, and this is not to buy a new aircraft, only to buy engines, only to refurbish they take the price of technology in awesome amounts of money, sometimes they buy the wool from here at low cost to resell it at a price that is 3800 times higher, the raw materials are ours but they are sold as clothes 3800 higher than the price of the wool, the materials made from oil are 1000 times higher in price, thus they rob us when they buy from us and even when they sell to us.
Omar rebuked them when they said-like the wealthy Muslims would say that they are harnessed to us-he said: so how would it be if you became their slaves?
This is why it has been said: woe to a nation that eats what it does not sew and wears what it does not weave, do you believe that whatever we eat including seeds are imported? Woe to a nation that wears what it does not weave and I add: woe to a nation that uses a machine it does not make, and I add: woe to a nation that buys weapons, for it would be tied to the one that is selling the weapon to it.
Dear brother, the prophet was praying to Allah:
“ My God, I seek refuge with You from incapacity, from indolence, from cowardice, from senility and miserliness, and I seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave and from the trial of life and death. “
In the end, the prophet said:
“The strong believer is better and more loved by Allah than the weak believer.”
Dear brother, hold yourselves to account before you are held to account, and revise your deeds before they are judged, and be aware that death has passed us to sh3er and it shall pass the sh3er to us, so let us be careful, the smart one is he who criticizes himself and works for what is after death, and the disabled one is he who follows his desires and wishes in vain from Allah, and thanks is to Allah the Lord of the worlds.
The second sermon:
Thank is for Allah the Lord of the worlds,. and I testify that there is no god but Allah the patron of the good slaves, and I testify that Muhammad is his slave and Prophet, who was of great manners, Allah send Your Prayers and Blessings to our Master Mohammad and to his family and Companions……….
Types of power are three: The powers of money, science and position:
Dear bsh3er, at the end let us remember:
“ The strong believer…”
The educated man is strong, and he who made a fortune according to the teachings of Allah is strong, and he who is in a high rank he harnesses to the service of the nation is strong, thus power is 3 kinds: in money, knowledge, and rank.
“ The strong believer is better and more loved by Allah than the weak believer.”
You should be strong if the strength is on the road to Allah, for the strong one has too many ways of strength, but otherwise you shall have the medal of honor in weakness.
The supplication:
We beseech you Allah to show us the way of rightness among those whom You showed, and give us good health among whom You healed, and be our patron like those whom You became their patron, and bliss what You bestowed us, and save us from the traumas that you destined for You rule in rightness and You are never judged, and he whom You patron shall never be in humiliation and whom You make as enemy shall never be lofted, blessed and dignified are You, and we thank You for what you destined, we ask Your forgiveness and we repent to You, Allah please lead us to the good deeds for no one leads to them but You, please lead us to the good manners for no one leads to them but You, please Allah make us do well in the religion which is our dignity, and make our lives good for it is our living, and make us safe on the day of judgment for it is our final destination, please make the life our supply for all good things and make the death a rest from every evil, our master the Lord of all worlds, please make me with what You have made lawful needless of what You have made unlawful and make me with Your benevolence independent of all sh3er, and make my obedience to You turn me away from my disobedience,., please by Your generosity and mercy make the word of rightness and religion high and lead Islam to victory, and make the Muslims dignified in every place on earth..show us Your strength against Your enemies. Allah..the most generous.