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Islamic Ideology - Names of Allâh 2008 : The Beautiful 1
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

From Allah’s names and attributes: AL-Jameel: The Beautiful/ Graceful:

Oh respected brother, we are going over a new name of Allah, the Lord is all mighty: today’s name is (The Beautiful). This name was mentioned in an authentic s7adeth (Saheeh Muslim). Ibn Masood,, may Allah be pleased by him, narrated said: the prophet (pbuh) said:

“ Person will not enter heaven if s/he has a smallest tiny weight of arrogance. A person said: a person likes to wear beautiful clothes and shoes. (in form of question). The prophet (PBUH) replied: Allah, the Exalted, is beautiful, and He loves beauty. Arrogance is ridiculing, rejecting the Truth, and despising people”.

What is arrogance?

By the way, oh brother, if someone has a small amount of milk, a crowd of people came to visit him. He wants to serve everyone and makes sure each one gets enough. What he could do is to add five times the milk water. This act will not change the milk’s taste. In one hand, milk can handle five times its weight. On the other hand, once a drop of petrol dropped into the milk, it will change the whole taste. It will ruin it simply because the petrol contradicts the milk’s taste meanwhile water would not.
Similar to that is arrogance; it contradicts with Allah’s worship.

“Person will not enter heaven if s/he has a smallest tiny weight of arrogance.”

The messenger of Allah

“If you ‘people’ did not sin, I fear upon you what could be greater than a sin”

What is greater than sinning, he (pbuh) said:

“The conceit”

Allah, the exalted, would rather a person who bequeathed a humiliation and breakage from a one-time sin rather than a person who gain a pride and arrogance from an allegiance. Thus, arrogance contradicts with Allah’s worship.

“Person will not enter heaven if s/he has a smallest tiny weight of arrogance. A person said: a person likes to wear beautiful clothes and shoes. (in form of question). The prophet (PBUH) replied: Allah, the Exalted, is beautiful, and He loves beauty.”

Arrogance is ridiculing, rejecting the Truth, and despising people:

Arrogance will hinder the truth and despises people. When a person rejects the truth, s/he sees himself higher than the truth. To be arrogant is to mislead one’s self from the truth. Arrogance was Satan’s sin. Allah, the Exalted, said:

“He refused, was proud and was one of the disbelievers.”


The definition of arrogance has many meanings. One of them is a person refusing to take the truth. He is rejecting, and ridiculing the truth. Someone be stubborn about it; his pride and dignity takes over his own guilt. In addition, arrogance despises people, and putting them down.
A believer always remembers the sh3er favors, and always appreciate them. A believer admits sh3er kindness on them. Some focus only on themselves, and look down upon sh3er. Thus, it is not from the believer’s manners to despise his/ her Muslim brother, and sisters.

The most humble person is the prophet:

Humbleness is one of the believer’s signs. Someone entered into the prophet who was Algorithm from fearing the prophet. The prophet had this terror made anyone whomever sees him, fear him, and whomever deal with him, loves him. Ibn Massod reported

“a man came to the prophet (pbuh). While he was talking to him, his legs were throbbing. The prophet saw that, so he said to him to calm down because I am not a king. I was the son of a woman who ate beef jerky”

The prophet’s humbleness shows in the following example the prophet (pbuh) traveled with his companions, they wanted to sacrifice a sheep. One of them said I would cook it. The other one said, I would strip off its skin, The prophet said:

“I will collect the woods”

The prophet (pbuh) said:

“ Person will not enter heaven if s/he has a smallest tiny weight of arrogance. A person said: a person likes to wear beautiful clothes and shoes. (in form of question). The prophet (PBUH) replied: Allah, the Exalted, is beautiful, and He loves beauty. Arrogance is ridiculing, rejecting the Truth, and despising people”

The Exalted, Allah, (SWT) wants his people to be clean, neat, scented clothes, and fixed hair.

Humankind naturally created on loving beauty:

The production of the humankind weather mentally, or physically, described as knowledge, philosophy, and art. While philosophy what should be done, knowledge exists, and art could be joyful, or allowed such an example becoming a poet, and focus on literatures.
The human’s self have a natural disposition toward loving completeness, beauty, and achieving what the self wants. A person likes sh3er who are kind to them.

1. The name al-Jameel: the beautiful was mentioned in authentic hedeeths:

Ibn Masood narrated that prophet Muhammad PBUH said:

“Person cannot enter the hell fire and has in his heart a tiny weight an atom of Iman, also, person will not enter heaven if s/he has a smallest tiny weight of arrogance. A person said: usually a person likes to wear beautiful clothes and shoes. (in form of question). The prophet (PBUH) replied: Allah, the Exalted, is beautiful, and He loves beauty. Arrogance is ridiculing, rejecting the Truth, and despising people”

2. Loving materials and immaterial beauty is desired not arrogance:

The different between arrogant and beauty is the following:
Arrogant is ridiculing, rejecting the truth, and despising people while beauty is looking good, and has a neat, clean house. In addition, having a nice car, a clear speech, and a great attitude is part of a beauty.

“Allah is beautiful and like beauty”

3. Believer should be beautiful in general:

Believer must drive from God’s completeness, perfection that will lead toward God.
Allah (SWT) said in surat AL-Araf:

“And all the most beautiful names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them”

The verse suggesting to the believers to get closer to Allah in the following examples:
Believer gets close to the Compassionate with compassion. He, also, gets close to the Beautiful with beauty; further, a believer gets closer to the Gentile with kindness, and believer gets closer to the Most Justly with equity…

4. The meaning of Beauty/ Grace:

The meaning of the Graceful is taking from the beauty. Beauty means the goodness of the creation and morals.

5. Beauty is not limited to the physical appearance:

Any believer woman thinks beauty restricted in the physical appearance is mistaking with her thought because beauty includes the manners, humbleness, mercy and speech clarity.

There are important hedeeth cleared the importance of moral constitution:

Abo Huraira, may Allah be pleased by him, narrated, the prophet Muhamad (PBUH):

“Woman gets married for four reasons. She gets married for her money, her family, for her beauty, and/or for her faith. If a man chose the one with faith, he wins.”

Unfortunately, people’s mind set on the beauty’s idea is only physical, and had forgotten the real beauty of actions. A good example is comparing between two men, the first man married to a woman who has simple look, but she is very respectful, honest, and good with what she is doing. The second man married to a model, very attractive; however, she has very bad attitude. The prophet (pbuh) encouraged Muqal ben Yasar to marry the one who can bury children because she is corrodible rather than the one who does not give birth. Ibn Masood, May Allah be pleased by him, narrate; the prophet Muhamad (PBUH) said:

“ when a person looks at himself in the mirror, he should say: oh Lord just like you did well in my creation, to help me be proficient in my manners.”

There is an incident where a man was well-dressed spoke ribaldry. A man heard him and advised him to speak according to what he was wearing. It will consider a good match what you wear with what you say.
Anas ben Malek, may Allah be pleased by him, reported: the prophet (PBUH) said:

“a man’s faith does not become steadfast unless his heart is steadfast, and his heart will not become one unless his tongue will. A man will not enter heaven if his neighbor granted his evil conduct.”

Some scholars including AL-Imam AL-Gazali listed the tongue’s epidemics. They are more than twenty epidemics. Other scholars such as Imam Abdulgani Anabulsi listed thousands of the tongue’s diseases. The prophet (PBUH) told Muaath ben Jabel that people will fall onto their faces because of what they say ….
Aysha, may Allah be please by her, comment on Safia’s height saying, “she is short”. The prophet (PBUH) replied

“Oh Aysha, you just said a word that if you mixed it with the water ocean, it will polluted”

[narrated by al-tirithy]

Abo Hurairah reported; the prophet (PBUH) said:

“A man could say such a word does not pay any attention to the danger behind it; by saying it could fall deep down the hell fire.”

[narrated by al-tirithy]

Saying a nice word is an act of charity. It could promote you to Allah, such a promotion that only Allah SWT knows about it.

The following are some of the beautiful manners:

1. The beautiful patient/ long suffering:

Allah the exalted said:

“So is patient (O Muhammad, pbuh,) with a good patience”


There is patience with hardship and the one where the person stressed out and being angry, is way far from the beautiful patience.

2. The beautiful forgiveness:

Allah, the exalted said:

“So overlook (O Muhammad, pbuh,) their faults with gracious forgiveness”

(15: 85)

Expressing a person’s forgiveness and to someone and reminds them at the same time with your favor, it does not go under the beautiful forgiveness category. A person forgives someone; it ends up what happened in the past. In another word, do not remind the other person with his/ her mistakes as long as you live.
What I would like for people is to forget the good favors that had done to sh3er and in the same token is to remember always sh3er’ favors upon them. Prophet Joseph did not remind his brother with their sin when they through him in the well. Although death was granted in the well, Prophet Joseph did not mention it to them.

The levels of the Lord’s beauty: the beauty of his names, his nature, his acts, and his attributes:

Allah’s (SWT) is so graceful in four levels. Graceful in his identity, his attributes, his acts, and in his names:

“ and Allah’s (SWT) has the most beautiful names, so make duaa: spiritual prayers with them”

If you take a moment and have deep thoughts of the Lord’s Almighty names, you will literally melt down of his highness and majesty. Allah the graceful is beautiful in his identity, his attributes, his acts, and in his names; therefore, He Almighty is complete; His names and attributes are perfect, His acts have wisdom.
Thus, some scholars said the Islamic law (shariah) is all of it just because it is Allah’s method such a method full of mercy, wisdom, beneficial and blessing. Any situation or case leaves its wisdom it will turn against it, and from fairness to unjust.
The problem occurs in the following:
No one can comprehend and understand his Graceful identity accept him Almighty even the prophets themselves. However, the beauty of His attributes will show the beauty of his identity. Also, the beauty of the attributes associated with His acts. His graceful acts clarify his attributes, and obviously His identity.

We should understand this important verse so understand its meaning: “If only, those, who do wrong, could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is Severe in punishment”:

Dear brother:

“If only, those, who do wrong, could see”

Because of a woman, a man disobeyed Allah. What did tempt him? It is her beauty. Because of money, he disobeyed Allah. What did tempt him? It is money. Money has its beauty, a nice house, a car, and chooses the pretest wife.

“If only, those, who do wrong, could see, when they will see the torment”

Why is he in the torment? What did seduce him and lead him to disobey Allah? it is beauty. Those who follow Allah are the winner. They got to know Allah and chose the absolute beauty, and the eternity beauty.

There is an end for the beauty:

“Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish”

(55: 26)

If a man loved his wife, one day he is going due and leave her, or she leave him, if she dies. However, if you loved Allah, he will be with you eternally.

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